Monday, March 9, 2020

those peanuts || "adventures" part two


Another story from my life is before you!! Enjoy my lovely friends!

My peanut adventure:

When I was little, (I can't remember the exact age) I suddenly started breaking out in hives. On my arms, my face, my belly, my legs, everywhere. It was the most uncomfortable thing I could ever imagine. Believe me. It was awful!
We couldn't figure out what was causing it, because I hadn't been eating anything new. (I had broken out before from eating something new, kiwi to be exact, so we knew it had to be something new. Or so we thought)
So, after a few days of misery, trying everything to stop the itching and swelling, my mom suggested I stop eating peanut butter or anything with peanuts.
You see, I had suddenly got this craving for peanut butter. I would eat spoon full after spoon full of that gooey, creamy stuff. So, my mom thought maybe that was doing it. (little did she know how right she was)
One evening, my relatives threw a baby shower for their daughter-in-law, and we went. I remember we all got little boxes full of treats. Me, Damara, and my other friend\cousin, Allecia, were sitting outside under a high porch, and I discovered that there were peanut clusters in my box. I remember thinking, "My mom said not to eat peanuts." So I told Damara that I was going to be right back, because I had to talk to my mom, and then left to find her.
I remember seeing my mom sitting on a blanket outside by my aunt, Mindy, (the shower was outside) and I sat down beside them. I was holding the peanut cluster in my hand, and showed it to my mom, "What do I do with this? It's a peanut cluster."
My mom just shrugged and told me to not eat that part, but I could eat all the other stuff. So I scurried off to find my friends again. I told Allecia I couldn't eat it and she said to just throw it on the bushes. So I did. xD and then I looked down at the hand I had been holding it in, only to discover a large hive, the size of the cluster. I just shrugged it off and went back to talking with Damara and stuff.
It soon got dark and there was only a little light where we were sitting, and I remember my back feeling just plain itchy. So, after everyone left but Damara, I asked her if she could look at my back, and tell me what it looked like.
I remember her pulling my shirt up, and I could hear her little intake of breath. "Ummm, there's a huge hive on your back."
I was like, "Not again." But, we left to go find my mom, who had gone into the house. I told her, and she looked at my back.
I remember everyone was suddenly crowded around me and talking about how awful it looked. Apparently is was covering my whole back. *shrugs* I couldn't tell. xP
My great aunt, Carla, suggested we put toothpaste on it. *frowns* Toothpaste? you might ask. I know, it was an odd suggestion but we did it anyways. *laughs*
So, I climbed into the big van, (we had ridden with Mindy, Damara's mom) with toothpaste on my back with paper towel on it to keep it from getting on my shirt. I remember feeling very uncomfortable and I just wanted to get home.   
Mindy asked me a couple of times if my throat felt weird or anything. I remember saying, "No. I just have a stuffy nose."
Damara kept trying to figure out a way she could spend the night, and I remember thinking, "Some reason I don't feel like having you spend the night." But I didn't say anything. Just nodded. After awhile we pulled into our driveway and I was glad to be home. I told Damara that it wouldn't work for her to spend the night, and climbed out of the van.
Now, everything that I'm about to tell you happened rather quickly and it's all kind of foggy in my mind.
I remember walking up the sidewalk and feeling a little short of breath. Then I felt like I couldn't swallow, and my air was getting cut off. I felt panic seize up within me and I turned to my mom with wide eyes, gasping out, "I can't breath!"
My mom's eyes widened and I think, I can't remember exactly, she led me up the steps into the house, telling my dad, "She can't breath! She can't breath!" 
I remember seeing my dad sitting on the couch and I tried to gasp out some words and managed to say, "Hi." I remember thinking I would show him how I couldn't breath by saying something.
My dad managed to stay calm, though I can't seem to remember what my mom was like. He came over to me and talked to me, trying to calm me down.
I remember my mom asking in a panic if she should call 911, but my dad just told her to call Sue. (my step grandma who is a doctor)
I was seated on a chair, by who I don't know. Like I said before, everything happened rather fast and I can't remember everything that happened. I remember seeing the phone as my mom dialed and then I was suddenly being feed liquid Benadryl. Then someone gave me a cup of water and asked if I could manage to swallow it. I did manage it, and then my body began to shake. From fear I think.
My dad, gathered me up in his arms and held me close while my mom talked on the phone to Sue. Then I remember my mom saying that Sue said they needed to watch me for anything else, and then we all went to watch something as a family to try and get my mind off of what had just happened. I remember clinging to my dad and thinking, "I'm never going to fall asleep." I was afraid I would die in my sleep or something so I just tried my hardest to stay awake, while still clinging to my dad on the bed. I kept crying and shaking, from fear until finally, I fell asleep.

And that's the story of how we discovered I was allergic to peanuts! (don't worry, not every story is about allergies xP )

Well, until next time my lovelies!


  1. How nice to have everyone staring at your back!

    You must have gave your parents quite a scare when you were young. Glad you were okay, though!

    1. *laughs* I know right?!

      Yeah... I had quite a few times of breaking out in hives from things. Me too!

  2. Wow! I used to be allergic to pineapple, and my mouth would swell up a bit and get all itchy. Its not fun!

    1. Yeah, pineapple is kind of weird to me. If I eat too much my mouth burns. Not sure why? *shrugs*

  3. Wow! These stories are interesting! We recently found out that my baby brother is allergic to peanuts. He broke out too.

    1. Glad you're enjoying them! *winks* Oh my! The poor, boy. I know how he must feel. <3

  4. Gah! I can't believe you've never told me this story! Scary!

    1. What?! I never did?! *gasps* I thought you knew! Sorry!

  5. Wow! That must have been scary! Glad you're okay though. <3

  6. It is so scary when you feel like you can't breath!
    My brother is allergic to all nuts. But not t lagoons (That's Peanuts!)
    Glad you figured it out!

    1. YES! *shudders*
      awe, poor guy. I know how he must feel at times. <3
      Yup! Me too!
