Friday, November 12, 2021

Why Should We Fear?

hello there...


It seems everywhere I turn these days, is darkness and fear. Why? Why are we so fearful? I know that we're human and we fail our Lord every day, but last night, as I tried to lay down for the night I felt myself bottled up with fear and anxiety. Scared of what this "virus" can do, and who it might take next. 

It feels as though everyday we hear of someone who died, or has gone to the hospital and it doesn't look good. I feel myself curling up and wanting it all to stop. The fear, the tears, the hurting. It just needs to stop. 

I was crying to myself, trying to figure out how to go on, and then I started praying. Praying that the Lord could help us all to be healthy and strong and the more I prayed the more I felt peace and clearness returning to my soul. 

It seems we all have let the world's darkness and fear creep into our lives until it stanches away our joy and Light, leaving us a crumbling shell. But we have a Savior who never leaves us or forsakes us. We're human, we fail all the time, but He lifts us back up again. He has the power over all things. He is stronger than this thing that is causing so many to fear. 

I found a verse that warmed my heart and helped to calm my anxiety...

"Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the Lord is your strength"   Nehemiah 8:10 KJV

In this verse it talks about the JOY of the Lord being our strength. Only in Him can we find our strength. And He gives it to us to take on each and every day. So why are we so fearful? When we have a Savior who holds the burden and weight. Why should we let the world come and snatch our joyous light away? Because all that leaves is misery and darkness. But in Christ we can find strength for tomorrow, today, each moment, and His joy will shine through our souls.
And, something I've just felt placed. It's okay to be happy. It's okay to smile. Don't let the devil come in and snatch your joy away. We don't need to feel guilty for being happy. Christ wants us to be happy. And our joy comes from Him

It feels so often I find myself trying to stay strong, and look as though nothing bothers me; I'm fine. But you know, I shouldn't be that way. I'm not always fine. Christ asks us to come to Him and to leave our burden at His feet. So why is it that it seems no one is trusting and leaving Him their troubles? Myself included. He has the power to take the burden from your chest and to hold you up, in everything. So let Him.

I had\still can have, a very hard time with losing my little cousin Abi... it came as such a shock to me. Yes, she was ill and we all didn't think she would survive past five. But she kept going. (almost fifteen years) She was a fighter. And I just felt, she wasn't going to go so fast without any warning. I guess there was some warning; she had been sick. But she had been sick before and they even took her in to see if it was covid and it wasn't. So in the back of my mind I thought she'd be fine. And she is. She's resting in the arms of Jesus where it seems so many have gone lately.
And yes, I still have my moments of crying and feeling so broken inside. Feeling as though I don't have a right to feel the way I do because I was just a cousin. But I do have the right. She was my cousin, my little Abi, and I loved her. Her death left a hole in my heart and it'll take awhile to heal. But I know that in time, God help my heart to heal again. But the grieving is forever. I never knew what my mom meant when she would say, "Grieving is forever. You never stop." until now. It is forever. We will grieve the loss of loved ones each and everyday. Someday, we'll come to a place where we might not get a tremendous wave of sadness when we think of them, but then again, maybe we won't. But we don't need to worry. They are forever healed and waiting for that glorious day when we can all join them with singing and thanksgiving. And oh what a glorious day that will be! 

That's another thing. Thanksgiving. It feels as though we're all forgetting what Thanksgiving is really all about. Take a look around you, even in all the troubles, there is so so much to be thankful for. Like my mom always says, "There is always, always something to be thankful for." and oh how true it is! Look around you; you have a house, clothes upon your back, food before you, family, love... Christ. I know, especially for me, that I have felt myself just curling up in in fear and not taking the time to truly see all there is to be thankful for. I was forgetting what Thanksgiving was about. Forgetting that Christ can carry the burden. But I haven't forgotten anymore. He is good and I have so so much to be thankful for. And oh how wonderful He is! 

I'm not exactly sure where all this came from. I suddenly felt the urge to write a post and so I did. We all need to be reminded sometimes (me too) that the fear does no good. God has the power over all things and in that, we can leave our fears and doubting's. He takes care of it all. 

So dear readers, let's take the time to look around thank God for all He has done for us; to see all the blessings we have. And let's let Him take our burden. He loves you and He wants you to be happy. <3

 I hope this post helped you to feel comfort if you were needing it. Because you are loved. God bless each and everyone of you. <3 


  1. I really appreciate this post, Liberty! This is a good reminder, especially what you said about being thankful even in the hard times.

    Also, fear is a emotion that we all have. It’s hard when things feel unknown. I read somewhere that the Bible says “do not be afraid” or “fear not” 365 times, that’s how important it is—a daily reminder. It’s okay to be real and not always put up a brave front. I think God wants us to come to Him with our feelings, questions, and grieving hearts.

    And you’re right, it’s okay to feel genuinely happy too! Jesus has given us reason to rejoice!! I’ve really pondered seasons lately... there’s a time for every season. Both weeping and dancing.

    What you’re family has gone through these past months has been hard. You are not alone and I’m praying for you. <3

    1. Awe, Brooklyne!! You're lovely comment almost made me cry. <3

      Yes, I get what you're saying. Wow. 365 times? So true!! We need to be reminded so much. Thank you for saying that. I know it's okay to not always be brave and strong. <3

      It is!! So so true.

      Thank you so much, friend. So much. <3 You're the sweetest. *hugs*

  2. This is so beautiful. I'm Sadie (just to introduce myself!) I've been following your blog for awhile, not by email, but just by checking in every so often as I do with pretty much all of the blogs I follow. I found you through Susan K Marlowe's Andi blog. :)
    I haven't commented on your blog before this(at least not recently), but I really wanted to just say hello and thank you for writing this blog post. It touched my heart. I've had a lot of fear, too, recently and in the past, and grief truly doesn't go away. It's hard to trust God and be thankful without fearfulness, and sometimes also hard to remember that it's ok to not be ok, or even be sad when you feel like you have no reason to be. I agree wholeheartedly, and this encouraged me so much. Thanks again for sharing your beautiful words and speaking from your heart.
    Please know I'm praying for you and your family!

    -Sadie S.

    1. Awe, thank you. *hearts* Oh well, hi! Thanks for stopping by now and again and reading my posts. <3
      Awwwwww, you're welcome. *hearts* I wasn't even planning this post... it just happened; and the fact that it touched your heart, warms my heart. <3 I'm so glad you stopped by and read it, and decided to drop a comment. You are most welcome, and thank you for your kind words!
      Thank you!!
