Thursday, January 14, 2021

Year 2020

hello lovelies! 

I know, I've seemed to slow a little on my posting but I've been busy with school and life. *winks* 

But I'm back at ya with an exciting post! *jumps up and down* I thought it would be fun to do a review of my year of 2020. I honestly don't know if I can remember everything that happened because that whole year feels like a fog. Anyone else feel the same? 

Anyways! Let's begin...

|| J a n u a r y 

I started the year off at my two auntie's house with my sisters. We watched a Marvel movie (can't remember which one), ate breakfast at 11:00p.m., played games and started the year on our right feet. 

Enjoyed snuggles with my new niece, lived life, and got some snow; even though it didn't last long, it was still beautiful.

|| F e b r u a r y 

We babysat Hudson for *thinks* a week? I'm not sure. I did a lot of the babysitting and ended up getting paid so that was great. xD 

Attended two weddings. 

Woke up one day with a "special" breakfast from my mom for doing 100 days of school. It was cereal. xD 

Valentines Day happened. I got some goodies from my mom. 

LaKaysha turned twenty-two. 

Kate started walking some in her walker.

Kylie came for a visit. (aka, her whole family came) 

Felicity and Josiah moved from their little place and into our house until their next home was ready.

(please excuse my horrid camera) xD

She was our "goose" even then! xD

|| M a r c h

I did my drivers knowledge test and passed. Got my permit and started the process of learning to drive. *sunglasses* It's so funny how much more comfortable I am with driving. I look back and I was so scared when I first started. xD

Helped Felicity and Josiah move into their new apartment. 

Enjoyed some sunshine and then had some more snow. xD 

Kate continued to grow and started showing her personality.

I drew a lot, sharpening my skills. *winks*

The world turned upside down. We all know about it. So why talk about it?

|| A p r i l

Easter happened. Church was canceled because of... COVID.... So Easter was spent at home with my family. 

We got Tuck. And man he was so little! (he's now HUGE)

Warmer weather started coming and with that, campfires and supper made over them. <3

Felicity's golden birthday happened. Things were closed and they had to get take out so I set up a little romantic dinning place in the family room for her. She says it made her night. <3 

Josiah and my mom both had birthdays. (on separate days though xD)

Started my online classes of Drivers Ed. It was so scary and yet, so fun. xD

Continued living, and trusting God. 


|| M a y

My out-of-town cousin (Kirsten) came for a visit. Me, my sisters, Kirsten, and two aunts "camped" out at my Grandpa's property. It was a lot of fun! I say "camped" because we actually slept in the loft in the shop but it was still a lot of fun. We hiked, found a water fall, and got wet. xD

Mother's Day happened. We spent it with my mom, of course, and at the gravesite where my Grandma is buried. <3 

I had Felicity cut me bangs! 

Was still doing Drivers Ed but was almost finished.

I wish I could've known you, Grandma... <3


|| J u n e 

Finished online classes of Drivers Ed, and scheduled all my drives. 

Started having confirmation classes at my house. The first day was really quiet and awkward but it got better as the days went by. I honestly really enjoyed it and was kinda sad to see it end. Though I was relieved at the same time. xD If that makes sense. 

We had our confirmation Sunday services. I was so nervous I could've died. My hands were shaking, I felt sick, and as though I'd faint at any given second. But I survived and to tell the truth it wasn't all that bad. 
We (aka, me, Kylie, and Damara) decided it would be fun if our class sang a song so we practiced a little with Abby (cousins wife who plays piano) the day before, and decided we'd be brave and do it. It, with all honesty, was probably the funnest\craziest\scariest thing I have ever done.  

Kylie and Damara threw me a two months early, surprise sweet sixteen party! I literally had no idea and I had been given so many chances to figure it out. *laughs* They were just the sweetest and it was really the best. <3

Had a little scare while at a sleepover with friends but it all ended okay and we lived. *winks* 

Had my very first drive for Drivers Ed the day after confirmation Sunday. I almost died but didn't. xD

|| July

I got a phone. And man was I glad! *laughs* My camera was dying and taking horrid pictures and I was so glad to finally have a nice camera! (and be able to talk to people)

I went hiking with my sisters and friends on the fourth. Then later went to my aunt and uncle's for some family time and fireworks. 

Kylie, and her family, came for a visit again and were able to join us on the fourth! It was great getting to see her. <3

Summer weather came.

Finished all my drives and started getting ready to do the test drive and get my license.

Started painting the outside of our house. Me, my sisters, and my mom all hand painted the house with paint brushes. It was actually pretty fun.

Went blueberry picking. 

Went to the beach a lot. 

Me and Damara went camping in a "Little Bear" tent. *winks*

Ready to go do my freeway drive! 

Summer time is just the best... *all the feels* 


|| August 

Summer time calls for lots of pictures. *laughs*

Started getting and stacking our winter wood supply.

Had a sleepover with Damara and Danielle. Did face masks and slept on the tramp. Got coffee and had a blast. *winks*

Started driving even more and getting all my hours.

Out-of-town family came for a little visit! 

My Grandpa sold his house. It was very hard. Felt like I lost the last piece of my Grandma... <3 

Swam, and got tan. *sunglasses*

Enjoyed many bonfires with family and friends. <3

Me and Damara had our annual campout in their "field" and man was it fun. *winks*

Turned sixteen! We even we able to have a party for me! It was a ton of fun. <3

Chancy turned nineteen.

Went to the beach again. *laughs* I went to the beach four times last summer. xD

Got to go riding!! It was definitely a highlight of my summer.

Wildfires started. 


|| September

Still lots of summer activities and feels. 

My dad had a birthday!

A wildfire started only about 15 miles away from us. Got the calls to be ready to evacuate but thankfully never had to. 

Labor day happened. Spent it with family. 

Threw Damara a surprise sweet sixteen sleepover\party! It was literally so much fun! xD

Firefighters stayed across the road from us. I made them a sign. 

Sold my first (and only) drawing!! 

Passed my test drive, got my hours and got my license! Drove to Damara's for the first time for the day and it was literally the best!

Rains finally came and quenched a little of the earth's thirst and cleared away some smoke.  

|| October 

Had one last bonfire before the winter rains came in. 

Got ready for Autumn weather to come in; ate caramel apples and such. 

Daminika turned twenty-one!

Started selling a few of my paintings! (still haven't sold many; but I did sell a few) 

Went to a 'spa day' at The Aunts and helped my sisters, aunts, and cousin get pampered. I got paid so it was worth it. xP

Started driving and getting coffee by myself. Literally, the best thing ever! 

My mom and dad went to a work stay away at the coast so it was just us kids home for awhile. They were gone a little too long for everyone's liking but we lived. barely

Made homemade donuts for the first time and man are they good! 

Went on a little vacation with my sisters! We joined our aunt and uncle and their kids at a beach house. The bed got a little crowded but I had a lot of fun. I had really needed to get out and this was the best. <3 It felt soooooo good. 

|| November 

My parents bought an Escape!

Kate turned one!! We had a party for her at our house and SO much food. *laughs* It was so fun to watch her open her gifts and all. <3

Opened a savings and checking account at the bank! It felt really good and I got to order people Christmas gifts with my card. I must admit it felt weird when a box came in the mail with my name on it. xD

Bought all my Christmas gifts and wrapped them!

Thanksgiving happened! I must be honest, it didn't really feel like Thanksgiving. We normally gather with the W family but my grandparents are living in a trailer and therefore had nowhere to host the big family one. But hopefully next year. :)
We had our little family and it was a good day overall. *winks*

Decorated for Christmas and started getting all the cozy Christmas feels. 

We went up into the hills and got out Christmas tree! It was a lot of fun; because the hills are, da bomb!

|| December  

Got to drive the Escape! It was super weird and fancy feeling. *laughs*

Wrote out all our Christmas card envelopes. 

Spent a lot of time with family. <3 Singing, visiting, and just being together. 

Cold came. Waking up in the morning with frost everywhere became normal and having to sit "on" the stove also became normal. *laughs*

Christmas baking was done.

Sleepovers with Damara. 

The W family Christmas happened! I was so glad we were able to have it and it felt so good. It was definitely a lovely day. <3

Christmas Eve, and Day happened! Both were very much wonderful and we were\are so blessed. <3

And with that, you have my year of 2020. 

I hope 2021 is full of many adventures, laughter, and memories. I'm excited to bring on this year and I pray God will guide me with each step of the way.

God bless and keep you all. <3


  1. Aww, this post was so sweet and I loved reading about these memories & seeing all the awesome pictures! <3

    1. Awww, I’m glad you enjoyed it! Thanks so much for reading <3
