Monday, May 25, 2020

I'm Baaaaaack!!!! (with some news!)

*happy dances* Did ya miss me?!

I know I said I was going to be gone awhile but... I really missed blogging. *laughs*  It was nice to take a little break though. (I know. I'm the worst at taking breaks xP) One week off of blogging was actually really nice. I mean, I was planning on taking a longer break but.... whatever!

Also, let's just take a moment to remember the ones who died for our freedoms. The ones who gave their life for their country. May God bless the families who remember their brave lost loved ones this day. I didn't have time to type up a real patriotic post for you all so I'm just gonna link to some beautiful posts I read here in the blogger atmosphere. <3 Enjoy reading these posts here and here.

#proudAmerican. Anyways.

I really wanted to share with you all that.........

Wait for iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

I let my sister cut me bangs!!! *wide eyes* 

I know. I can't believe I let her. *laughs* I was really nervous because I'm very particular about hair in my face but I really liked the look of bangs so.... I let her cut them. BUT! I really like how they turned out and I'm excited to try different hairstyles with them!! Thanks for cutting them sista!

Here are a couple pictures for you! 

#notmyphone #sistersphone

Well, I hope you enjoyed this post, and are having a great Memorial Day remembering the ones who died for our freedom today. <3 God bless you all and God bless America!


  1. I laughed when I saw you said you were back. lol
    Thank you for linking back to my post.
    I like your bangs!

    1. *laughs* I know. I'm so bad at taking breaks. xP
      You're most welcome deary. <3
      Thanks! It was just kind of a last minute decision. xD

  2. Thanks for sharing my post! <3
    And good for you! I love your new bangs! (Letting sisters cut our hair is pretty scary but also a lotta fun! *winks*)

    1. You're welcome! <3
      Thank you! (*laughs* It is!)

  3. You bangs look nice!

  4. You look beautiful!! <3333 I got a notification that you posted again and was THRILLED!!! :D

    1. Awe, thank you so much!!! <333 I'm happy that you enjoy my blog. <3 Thanks for reading it!! ;)

  5. Back already? :) I'm glad you are though. I enjoy your blog. Also, cute bangs!

    1. Yeah... *sheepish grin* I'm glad you are! Thanks!

  6. Oh cute! I just cut my own hair today. I was a little nerves but it turned our ok.

    1. Thanks! Really? I want to see a picture! *winks*

  7. He Liberty! I love the bangs!!! I would be sooooo nervous to let my sister cut my hair 😂

    ~Bailey ♡

    1. Hey! Thanks! Lol, I know. It was kinda scary but I survived! ;P

  8. Love them, Liber-t-y! *stresses the t in your name* *winks*
