Thursday, May 28, 2020

Photo Dump || May

Hello lovelies! 

How're you all doing? Great? Great! I didn't do all that much this month so please don't be sad at the small amount of pictures. *cries myself* I was hoping to give you all a wonderful photo dump but since my camera is like, a million years old, I haven't found joy in taking pictures with it. xP I hope that when I get a phone, I will, most likely, be taking more pictures and you'll be happy again. *laughs* But until then, please stick with me and my old camera. xP

At the beginning of this month, I was able to go to my grandpa's property with a cousin from out-of-town, my two aunties, and my sisters that are home, and "camp". We didn't really camp, we just slept in the shop in the loft, made our food over a propane burner, and stove. But we hiked around everywhere, and found a really cute\pretty "falls". It's very small but cute. It flows over what looks to be smooth, flat, steps made of rock. I didn't take any pictures of it though. *face palm* I really enjoyed it, even though it rained half the time. xP

Been driving a lot more. Getting more comfortable and wanting to go places to get more experience. Though, I do think people are getting tired of me wanting to drive all the time. *laughs*

Drove the four-wheeler, (that my uncle finally fixed), with Damara and had a blast! *laughs*

Kate continues to grow each day. The little cutie is getting just too big!! She is now eating #2 baby food (and loves it), loves to walk while you hold onto her little hands, "talks" and yells a lot, and is getting so big! She's even wearing 9 months clothes sometimes now! *cries* Where did the time go?

Went to my grandpa's property with family. We had a fire, ate good food, and played games into the night. All us young "kids" stayed until 10:30 p.m. and finally left. I had a blast though! They even got me to play the most embarrassing game ever. They called it "snort" ever hear of it? If you have, you know what I'm talking about. *laughs*

Drivers Ed is almost over already!! *gasps* I can't believe that seven weeks flew by that quickly. I mean, next week will be the seventh, and last week, but still! I still have to figure out the drives but they'll happen someday. *winks*

Confirmation is going to happen!! I ordered my dress and it came the other day. I'm really excited to wear it!! I tried it on and love it!! But, I'm not going to share any pictures with you until the actual day. xP

Watched "I Still Believe" the other night and cried my eyes out. It was such a heat-wrenching movie. I don't know if I'll ever watch it again. It hit a little close to home. You see, my grandma died from cancer so... it was hard to watch.

Then I let my sister cut me bangs! *wide eyes* You'll see pictures so don't worry. *laughs*

Currently watched\watching:

"I Still Believe"
"Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken"
"Captain America: Civil War"
"Dick Van Dyke"
"Father Knows Best"
"The Waltons"
"Joanie Loves Chachi"
"Night at the Museum"
"The Magnificent Seven" (the old awesome one)

Currently reading\read:

"Winter's Not Forever" by, Janette Oke
"Springs Gentle Promise" by, Janette Oke

Well, now enjoy my little photo dump! *winks*

 God's beautiful creation <3
(pictures don't do it justice)

 Kirsten made the most delicious supper ever!

 Kirsten snapped this pic while we were waiting for coffee. *laughs* 
It's a little blurry but whatever!

 Lottie and Tuck. (about the only picture of them standing still xP)

 Doing drivers Ed... 

 Went to visit Grandma on Mother's Day <3

 See? They never stand still! *laughs*

 took a little walk out back <3

 Sunday outfit!

 Breakfast one morning

And my bangs!

Yep. That's it. *laughs* I hope you enjoyed and may God bless you all!! <3


  1. Nice photos! What's confirmation???

    1. Thanks! It's our church tradition where we attend a class, and learn more about holy communion and then we go before our church congregation, and verbally confirm our faith. We then are considered adult members of our church and will partake of holy communion after that. <3 (there's a little more to it but that's the simple answer)

    2. Okay. I think I've heard of that, though our church does not do it.

    3. Hopefully I explained it well enough ;P

  2. Riding four wheelers are so fun!! Sounds like you had a great month! Loved the pics! ;)

  3. Wow, our dogs do look a lot alike! You're so pretty! We used to raise goats, but we sadly don't anymore...☹

    1. They do! Awe, thanks girl. <3 Yeah, we used to have three but one died... :(

  4. What lovely pics and interesting stories! You have the most amazing hair, by the way :O

    I enjoyed reading this update post a lot :)


    1. Thank you! Awe.... *heart warms* Thanks girl. <3

      Awe, I'm so glad. Thanks for stopping by. ;)

  5. This looks like so much fun!! Your dogs are so cute!! And I love your bangs!! The flower photos are gorgeous!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it! I think so too! *winks* Thank you!! <3

  6. I love the pictures! I love Monk! We just rented I Still Believe from Amazon and I am super excited to watch it! I love your blog!

    1. Awe, I'm glad! *winks* Me too. xP I Still Believe was such a good movie but it really hit close to home so it made me bawl like a baby. Awe, I'm glad you love it! Thank you! <3

  7. Who is the second drawing of? I have a guess but can remember the names..."It's a Wonderful Life???"

    1. Ding, ding, ding! Winner, winner, winner! *laughs* Yes, it's the ppl from "It's A Wonderful Life"
      AREN'T THEY THOUGH?!!!!!

  8. I nominated you for the Liebster Award on my blog! If you need clearer instructions, go to Ellen's blog. Otherwise, pass it on after answering my questions can read Ellen's rules, or try to understand my nuclear version.

    1. Oh, okay. Thanks for letting me know! If I can, I'll try and do it. *winks*
