Monday, May 18, 2020

Sorry I've Been Absent || Taking A Break

Hello there!

Yeah. Just as the title says. Sorry I've been absent for awhile now. *face palm* My dear friends my life is kinda crazy right now. I have school to finish up for the year, drivers Ed, and now we'll be doing confirmation some time soon here, so please forgive me for my absence.

Since my life is kinda crazy right now, I've decided that I might take a little break. So don't be alarmed if I'm quiet on here for awhile. I'm just gonna take a little breather, live my life, finish up school, (if I can by the time I come back) finish drivers Ed, and maybe even confirmation. I'm not sure just when I'll be back, but I will be back.

Please don't forget about me!! I love to blog. It brings me such joy to find all your comments and I love hearing from you all. <3 So please. Don't forget about me. I will be back. I'm just not sure when. I might still look at all your blogs (that I follow) and comment, but my blog will be quiet. Again, I will be back!!  

So, my dear readers, until I return... May God bless you all and keep you close. I'll miss you all! 


  1. Come back soon!

  2. It’s good of you to recognize that you need a break. I’ll miss your posts, but I hope you have a good break and are able to focus your time and prioritize. <3 <3 <3

    1. Yeah. My life is kinda busy and I just never found time to blog. Thank you!! <3 <3 <3

  3. i'll miss your posts but I totally understand the break! i'm probably going to take July off of social media and blogging so that I can focus on school since I decided to take a summer course. breaks are so good!

    1. Awe, I'm glad to hear that! Yes! Breaks are very good when they're needed!

  4. Have a great break! I will miss you very much and I can't wait to see you and your beautiful posts again!

    1. Thank you! Awe... *heart melts* those words mean a lot. <3

  5. Can't wait to have you back but hope you have a great time taking a break! :)
