Thursday, July 2, 2020

The All About Me Tag

Hello lovelies!

So Beth over at Beth in Boots tagged me for this great tag and I'm so excited to do it! Thanks girl!!

R u l e s :

1. Link back to the person who started the tag. Baily!
2. Use the banner above in your post. ^^^^^
3. Answer the questions truthfully.
4. Tag at least three blogger friends.

|| Your favorite color?

Probably a mauve or something like that. I really like rose gold and dusty rose as well... They're all so pretty!!

|| Your blog\blog's

The Elegant Cowgirl

|| Do you like to read?

Yes and no. *laughs* It depends on my mood. I'm not very much a book worm but I've been trying to get into reading again. I just feel too busy right now with drives and things, to do much reading. Or I just get bored. *hides from all you book lovers*

|| What is your favorite book?

Hmmm.... there are quite a few that I consider my favorite. I really like, "Tucket's Travles" by Gary Paulsen, "To Tame A Land", "Ride the River", and "The Daybreakers" all by Louis L'Amour.

|| What's your favorite sport?

Well, I don't watch sports or anything. But, I do love barrel racing. *all the hearts* And if I were to do a sport it definitely would be that!

|| What's your favorite movie?

Boy. How do I answer this? People who know me know I have many favorites. *laughs* Let's just name a few, shall we? "Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken", all of Captain America's movies, "The Moon Spinners""Pride & Prejudice" {2005}, "The Shadow Riders", and *sheepish grin* "Star Struck"

|| If you could time travel, when would you go?

Oh boy! I don't know! I love like almost anytime era! Hmmm... maybe the 1950's or the 1880's. I don't know. It's a hard choice okay? Do you want cute soda jerks, or cowboys? *giggles* I mean, it just really depends on my mood. *laughs*

|| Favorite board game?

Ooooh, I really like "Ticket To Ride" and "Loaded Questions".

|| How many siblings do you have?

Four! Three sisters, and one brother. But I also have a brother-in-law. And let me just say.... my siblings are a.m.a.z.i.n.g.

|| What's your favorite Bible verse?

Hmmm, I really like the 23rd Psalm. But I know that's not just one verse. *laughs* But this one I'm about to type out has been one of my favorites ever since I was little...

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine 
own understanding." Proverbs 3:5 KJV

I   T A G :

I hope you enjoyed this. May God bless you all!


  1. I didn't realize "Ticket to Ride" was one of your favorite board games.. It's one of mine, too!

  2. Yay! I loved reading your answers! :D


  3. This was great!
    Did you see I nominated you in my last post?
    (is commenting an issue? If so I changed it. *for now* so you don't need an email.)

    1. I'm so glad!
      Really? Yeah, I can't comment. But I'll try again sometime. Thanks for letting me know! ;)

  4. Ticket to Ride is so fun!

  5. Hi Liberty! How do you not love reading?!? Barrel racing is so awesome!(I’ve never actually done it but it is so fun to watch! You should watch “Walk. Ride. Rodeo” on Netflix! It’s about a barrel racer who is in a bad car crash but rides again. It really good!!!!)

    1. I don't know. I just don't. *hides* (please don't hate me) xP I know! It is! I really love watching them do it at the rodeo. Really? Hmmm, maybe I'll have to check that out! thanks for letting me know!

    2. I promise I don’t hate you🙃 (most of my friends absolutely hate reading.😂)

  6. Thanks so much for tagging me, Liberty! 💜 I'm going to answer your awesome questions here in the comments. 😊

    1). Pale pink!
    2). Ellen's Musings (
    3). Absolutely!!!!
    4). "Tales from Memory Creek Ranch" by Susan K. Marlow.
    5).Hmm, hard one. Maybe basketball?
    6). "The Appple Dumpling Gang."
    7). 10 years into the future (or maybe 10 years into the past?).
    8). LIFE (the electronic version).
    9). Eight!
    10). Matthew 20:28: "For the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many."

    This was so much fun! Thanks again, Liberty!
    Happy Fourth!!! ❤💙
