Monday, May 6, 2019

Exciting News!!

So, as most of you all know, my sister Felicity got married last last year, and moved 3,000 miles away. Of course we were all sad, but I felt like it was (almost) the hardest on me. I could be wrong..... well actually, I know I'm wrong. It has been really hard on my Mom. So ANYWAYS. I felt that way because I don't have a phone so I can't text her very much, and stuff. I know I could probably just use the house phone, but that just seems weird, because I don't like talking unless I can see them. *laughs* Is that weird?! *thinking face* But over all, I miss my sister VERY much!

And not too many days ago my Mom got a text and guess what?! *keep your thinking cap on, because you're in for a long scroll* *giggles*


Sorry for the long scroll, but I want to keep you guessing. *laughs* 

Keep going, you're almost there!

My sister and her little growing family is coming HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dance* I am so happy and excited I can hardly wait! They will be moving here in the beginning of July. Finally. Finally my sister will be close by and just a skip, hop, and jump away. I have been dreaming and praying for this day to come and it finally has. 
The morning they text and said they were moving I had prayed that soon, God would answer my pleading prayers to bring them here, and just like that, He answered them. It is amazing how God works. It happened like that when I heard Felicity was going to have a baby, I prayed that morning and they called and told us. I almost cried at how God answered. 

So there you have it. The exciting news is my sister and her growing family is moving here. I hope you enjoyed this little post and I can't wait to see what you all have to say in the comments! 


  1. Yay!! It's so nice when God answers prayers like that!

    It'll be nice to have them around! I'm so happy for you all!

  2. Yay!!! That's such good news! :)

  3. That's amazing! Isn't awesome we have a great God who answers our prayers?!

  4. Ahh that would make my heart so happy!! Congrats! I can't stand being apart from my family either,so I can only imagine the JOY you feel!

  5. *high five* *grins* *hugs* Our God is amazing! Sometimes it feels like our prayers fall on deaf ears, but when something like this happens we are reminded that he is listening and he does care. When my mom told me they were moving here I said, "Really?" and my voice got a funny squeaking sound. I think I was the most excited in my family, because I know how much you've missed Felicity. Or maybe I was the only one that showed my exactment. *laughs* *shrugs* I'm super happy for you and your family.

    1. That He is, that He is!
      Yes, I agree God does answer our prayers.
      *laughs* I can just hear your voice! *grins*
      Thanks. I'm happy too!

  6. Oh, I bet it is so wonderful for you and your family, Liberty!!! So happy for you!

    I gotta admit, I giggled at your infinite dots *giggles again*

    1. It is! Thank you!!

      *giggles* Really?! *laughs*
