Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Moving Day For Felicity & Josiah

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!! Felicity and Josiah found an apartment!! *confetti*
After three months of living with us, they finally found a home. *grins* They lived in LaKaysha and Daminika's room, leaving them to stick it out in the living room on a hide-a-bed. *laughs* So, now that they've moved out, we have our living room and "family room" back. They had the family room stacked floor to ceiling with furniture, and who knows what. *laughs* SO! After that long spill, we have our family room back and furnished with the hide-a-bed from the living room. (because we got new couches!!) *grins* So, after all that, there will be pictures of our living room and family room too. xP
I know Felicity is going to make the apartment such a pretty home. *grins* It's also on such a pretty piece of property, and only a few minuets from here!! How cool is that? I mean, I can just drive over there (when I get my license) and pop in and say hi to the baby, and Felicity during the day. *excited squeals* *jumps up and down* As you can tell, this girl is excited. *laughs* I'm so happy for Felicity and Josiah. <333333333333

Anyways. Enough idle chit chat. Want to have a look at some pictures?!

 Loaded and ready to go.

 The family room. After like, 95.5% of the boxes and things were removed. xD

 The bedroom. 
The apartment isn't all that pretty in these pictures though, because they hadn't unpacked everything when I took them, so yeah. But you'll have a picture of what it looks like. *grins*

The kitchen.

The living room.

The bedroom after we got it all put together. *grins*

 (sorry they're blurry)

 My mom had fun putting this together. *laughs*

And now, our living room. *grins*

And here is the family room. Looking much better than before that's for sure! *laughs* (family members know what I'm talking about xP)

Wrote a little quote on the chalkboard. *pats self on back*

And, that's that. *winks* I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures!! 


  1. Fun post!

    That's so nice that they got their own place now!

    I'm sure your sisters as glad to have their room back!

  2. Loved seeing all the pics! That's exciting!

  3. I'm glad for them!! WOW! I didn't realize how full the family room used to be!!

  4. Aww, that's great!! :) I'm sure, even though it was fun having them around, it'll be fun having some more space!! ^^ I bet everyone's ready to be back where they belong. AND THAT BEDROOM IS CUTE!!! *-*

    Love this post! :D

    ~ Lily Cat (Boots) | lilycatscountrygirlconfessions.blogspot.com

    1. It is really fun to have the family room back, but kinda sad that they're not here anymore. After three months of getting used to them eating supper and everything with us, it's weird that they're not here anymore. ;)
      I KNOW, RIGHT?!!

      Yay! I'm do glad! :D

  5. Someone's veyry happy. *wink wink* :-)

    1. By the way, I tagged you here: https://tidbitsofahomeschoolgirl.blogspot.com/2019/10/the-20-questions-book-tag.html
      you don't have to do it if you don't want to.

    2. Ok, thanks for letting me know!!

  6. That’s exciting! Also I was kinda thinking, would you sketch a portrait for me? If I sent you the picture of what I want you to draw? My email is: chorusandi@yahoo.com
