Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Unpleasant Surprise

So. Last night we had a little surprise. It was kinda funny, but then again, horrid. *laughs* I guess I should just explain myself. So here it goes....

Last night around 9:30 p.m. my mom and dad were in their room watching a movie, Felicity and Josiah were in bed (watching something I think), and all of us kids had just finished watching an episode of our all time favorite TV show, "Father Knows Best" so were brushing out teeth, getting ready for bed, etc. 
I was standing by a chair in the living room when Daminika headed down the hall. Then I heard her screech..... "Eeee I just seen a mouse!!" Here comes Daminika, flying down the hall, and naturally she lands on top of the table, (because mice can climb up you legs if you're not careful) and up I go on top of the table with her. (if you haven't guessed, we're afraid of mice) 
I frantically looked across the floor, saying, "Where'd it go?!" 
Daminika slowly climbs down the table while explaining that it had ran down the hall, and either into my room, or behind the baby toy basket at the end of the hall. 
I'm standing there looking down the hall, hoping with all of my might that it didn't go into my room. A mouse in my room?! No way was I going to sleep in there until we found it. "Are you sure it was a mouse?" I asked slowly making my way down the hall. 
"Yes!" Daminika answered, behind my shoulder. 
I decided I would run down there and move the basket but before I could, my dad opened his bedroom door. No wonder he came out, we were making enough noise to wake the town. 
I point at the basket and screech. "A mouse! It's behind there!" I hope. 
My dad kinda laughs and comes out into the hall. He left to go get something to kill it with and came back with a broom. 
I back up behind him and hold onto Daminika, hoping some more that it didn't go in my room. 
So, my dad pulls back the basket with the broom and.................... no mouse. 
My brain is now panicking. Great. A mouse in my room. It was probably there last night too. It probably slept with me. Great. This is just great. 
Daminika gasps. "It's not there!" 
Uh, duh. It's in my room. I ran down the hall screeching, "I'm not sleeping in there until it's dead!" So, into the kitchen I go and up onto the island. 
Felicity and Josiah had just come in, and Felicity obviously noticed my fear and pulled her feet from the ground asking, "What? A mouse?!" 
I nodded. "Yeah, and they can't find it. It's in my room I just know it!" I stubbornly pulled my knees up to my chest and pronounced, "Yep, here I stay until it's gone."  
LaKaysha, for some odd reason, decides to go into my room to get ready for bed. Uh, lady. There's a mouse in there. What are you thinking?
Then we heard her, "Eeee, I just seen it!!" 
I ran down the hall, some odd reason. I'm terrified of mice so why did I go down there? I don't know. But there I find myself, standing by my doorway, pretty much clinging to Josiah's arm. "Where'd it go?" My eyes began searching the floor and... Swoosh! Here it comes, straight for my feet. 
Naturally I scream, elbow Josiah in the stomach, and run down the hall in sheer panic. Into the living room I fly, and onto the hide-a-bed. "It tried to eat me!!" 
Felicity is sitting on the bed laughing. "Where'd it go?" 
"Straight to my feet!" I scream. "So, I accidentally elbowed you're husband in the stomach, and ran down the hall."  
So there we sit trapped on the bed, with a horrid little creature in my room. 
LaKaysha is standing on my bed trapped, so Chancy has to carry her out. 
Then my dad, Josiah, and Chancy go into my room and close the door. We hear banging, laughing, and jumping. 
Now my mind is whirling. Great. My room is just a complete mess. It's probably a disaster. 
And just so you know. This isn't the first time this has happened. We live in an old house, so it naturally has mice. And hobo spiders. Yeah, I know. Our house is kinda dumb. But hey. It's home. 
After about two hours of banging around in my room, the door opens and Chancy pronounces, "Ok. The coast is clear!"    

So yeah. After all that, and my room is put back to order, because it was a disaster, and everyone is settling down for bed, it was 11:00 p.m.

So, how was your night last night? Ever have mice running around your house? Do you like unpleasant surprises?  

Monday, July 15, 2019

Random Ramblings || Life

I thought I'd do a quick, little review of what I've been up to in my life. Since I haven't posted it a long time. *hides face* Sorry guys.....

As all of you must know by now, my sister and brother-in-law have officially moved here. *happy dance* It's great to have them here, and great to just wake up in the morning and seeing my sister's adorable baby belly! *laughs* (as I think most of you know, they are living with us until they find a house) This is the first time anyone has been pregnant, for me to remember. I was the last baby to be born so I don't remember my mom being pregnant. And let me tell ya, I can't stop touching my sister's belly! *laughs* I do think she's getting tired of me. *hides face*

*squeals* Look at that cute belly!!!!

Saturday I had my cousin Kylie, from out of town, sleep over. *smiles* We had a good time, and I'm so thankful to have been able to spend some alone time with her. But before she came, my sisters took me, Kylie and Damara to the mall. It was loads of fun, and I even bought myself a book!

Yesterday we all headed on the road after church towards the beach. *sun glasses* It was a long drive, (about two hours) but totally worth it! We met some family friends there and looked about a store a relative has, and then headed to the actual beach. *grins* I ran most of the way, and hit the water at full speed. Not. *laughs* I had to slow down or I would get my pants all wet. Which I did anyways.  

We've been having nice weather, for the most part. Some reason it has decided to rain and give us our green grass back. *shrugs* Oh well! We do have nice days and then back to rain and then nice again.

And I guess that's all that's really interesting in my life. *laughs*

Later this month I will be going to my double cousin's wedding. *gasps* I still can't believe, Dustin's getting married. Goof ball, Dustin. He's too young. *laughs* Not really. But I just feel like he is.

It feels like everyone is growing up too fast, and I want them to stop. Me included. *sighs* I've been going through a harder time, trying to accept growing up, changes, and life. I sometimes feel like I just want to sit down and bawl for no good reason. Does everyone go through that? I know most of us do. At least I think I know. *laughs*

A N Y W A Y S !

Enough of that. I hope your month has been going great, and continues to. *smiles* Have fun, and may the good Lord take a likin' to ya!