Saturday, April 11, 2020

Random Ramblings || Missing My Bestie

*waves to you all from six feet away* xP

I don't know about you, but I'm getting ready to blow my top. I mean, I haven't seen Damara in FOREVER, and our governor banned sleepovers because of this whole corona virus thing. Can you imagine that?! Banning sleepovers! *tries not to get very angry or burst into tears* I have really, I mean really, been missing my close friend. It's been almost a total of five months since we seen each other. She came over to my house once in the last five months and I seen her in passing twice. TWICE! *sighs* I never knew not being able to see your best friend could be so hard.
Have you ever gone without seeing your best friend, that lives only ten minutes down the road, for five months?! *cries forever* That's almost half a year!
I don't think we have ever, I mean ever, gone this long without seeing each other. *remembers a time and gets sheepish* Okay, maybe once when Damara's family went on a working stay-away a long time ago. But that was also horrid so...
Me and Damara grew up together. We had times of fighting but always made up in the end. Times of laughing so hard you could hardly breathe. Learning lessons of life, together. I mean, we've done a lot. I never realized how close I was to her until this all happened.
I had no idea that not being able to see my best friend would be so hard. I mean, I've got great  siblings! But... to sit down with someone that's like you, and knows you, and to talk to them is the greatest thing ever. I think this whole, "staying away from people" thing has gotten me to realize, I love my friend. I love to spend time with her and to be able to laugh and goof off about things. To talk about cute guys in movies, roll in laughter at midnight, make shakes with, and to just talk to. *sighs* *gets really sad and misses her even more*
Maybe I'm just being over dramatic but... I really miss her. I mean, to have done everything with someone and to have two sleepovers a month with them and then to have all that stopped, is like... horrid.
Another thing. Me and Damara were supposed to go to drivers-ed this month. Now we have to do it all online and do our drives when this is all over and we can live again. I was really nervous about going but also excited because it's something new you know? *sighs*

I know I've just got to keep my eyes on Jesus and trust. This will all blow over soon. I honestly haven't been paying much attention to what's going on out there except the fact that I can't go to church and see my friend. I really, really miss singing at church. I never knew how much I loved it until we haven't been going so I haven't sang. *sighs* So, I have been trying to sing hymns more on karaoke to help.

So. There you have it. My thoughts. Maybe this post was random but I just thought I'd share. *hugs you all*

God bless my friends! Remember, God's got us all in the palm of His hand and this won't last forever. He's got a plan.


  1. He has risen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    You should watch 'Good Friday Worldwide' by NBN it's on YouTub. The pastor did a really good talk <3
    Praying for you!

    1. Yes He has!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!
      Hmmm, we'll see. <3
      Thanks you! <3

  2. How can a governor legally ban a sleepover? Can you not visit Damara while standing six feet apart? (I know, it's still terrible, but hey, you might be able to chat!)

    1. Well, I don't really know. But he banned all form of get togethers and listed sleepovers in his list. *shrugs*
