And not too many days ago my Mom got a text and guess what?! *keep your thinking cap on, because you're in for a long scroll* *giggles*
Sorry for the long scroll, but I want to keep you guessing. *laughs*
Keep going, you're almost there!
My sister and her little growing family is coming HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *happy dance* I am so happy and excited I can hardly wait! They will be moving here in the beginning of July. Finally. Finally my sister will be close by and just a skip, hop, and jump away. I have been dreaming and praying for this day to come and it finally has.
The morning they text and said they were moving I had prayed that soon, God would answer my pleading prayers to bring them here, and just like that, He answered them. It is amazing how God works. It happened like that when I heard Felicity was going to have a baby, I prayed that morning and they called and told us. I almost cried at how God answered.
So there you have it. The exciting news is my sister and her growing family is moving here. I hope you enjoyed this little post and I can't wait to see what you all have to say in the comments!