Friday, July 10, 2020

Top Ten || Bucket List Vacation Locations

Hello lovelies!

So awhile back I was reading Brooklyne'sTop Ten || Movies + Books, post and I realized it had been awhile since I did a top ten post for you all! So, I chatted with her a bit and she gave me some great ideas for top ten posts! (thanks girl!)

So, here is my top ten, Bucket list Vacation Locations!!!

|| Disneyland

I have always wanted to go to Disneyland ever since I was little. I suppose I should say, go "back" but I was only two when we went as a family so I can hardly remember it. Just a few things stand out in my mind, like Goofy walking in the parade, and eating a doughnut while watching fireworks from the hotel. <3 I love those memories but would love it if I could actually remember it vividly.

{Note: all pictures will be off of the internet}

|| Laramie, Wyoming

Ever since I watched the show "Laramie" I thought it would be so romantic to visit Laramie. I know, I may be a dramatic\romantic girl, but it's who I am. *winks*

|| A traditional dude ranch in Wyoming

Now, I have always wanted to go to a dude ranch. Ever since I was little it has always been my dream. It may never happen but I dream it would. If I can't live on a ranch and around horses, maybe it would be possible for this girl to at least have a vacation on one. <3

|| Spain

So, last school year I did a report on Spain and decided that it would be really neat to go visit Spain. Now, this may never actually happen because.... well, this girl is afraid of flying over the ocean. *laughs* It just sounds so creepy and scary to see nothing but ocean for miles. *shudders* I couldn't ever take a boat either. I guess I'll just stay on my land. *winks*

(but look how pretty!)

|| A ghost town (practically anywhere)

I think it would be so cool to visit a ghost town. Wonder what caused the emptiness, picture how people lived etc. Don't you think it would be exciting?

|| A road trip to either Idaho, Wyoming, or California 

I love rode trips and we haven't taken one in a long time. And to tell the truth, I really don't care where I go. As long as I have an awesome destination. (and that could be a relatives house, a hotel, the beach, ANYWHERE!)

|| Scottsdale, Arizona

Now, my parents went to Scottsdale for their 25th wedding anniversary and it was b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l! They visited cool places, like where a lot of the old westerns were filmed etc. It would just be awesome to go there, even though my parents call it, their place. *laughs*

|| Moab, Utah

A few years back me, Chancy, and my parents went on a road trip\work trip, to Texas and drove through Moab. It just looked so cool and ever since then I've wanted to go back and visit it. You can take these little rigs up in the hills and drive around and everything! Doesn't that sound fun?!

|| Yellowstone

Just look how beautiful!! ↓↓↓↓ ('nough said)

|| Mount Rushmore

It would just be cool to visit this place. Don't you think?

There you have it! I hope you enjoyed this post. *winks* God bless you all! <3


  1. Those would all be so fun! One summer my family did a huge month long road trip. We were in Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. We went to Glacier National Park, Yellowstone National Park, and Grand Tetons National Park. We also stopped in Jackson Hole.(In Wyoming) I am not trying to brag, but it was fun! You should do a long roadtrip and go to a bunch of cool places, then post pics and tell us about it! (You could try to convince your parents, it won’t be an easy task, but I believe you could do it!)

    1. Wow, that sounds like a blast! Yeah, I might have to convince them to do something like that. *winks* But it probably won't be for awhile. *laughs*

  2. All those places sound really cool! Especially the last four!! Great post! I might have to do this idea sometime! *winks*

    1. I know, right?! I really want to go to them! *winks* Go ahead and do it then! *winks again*

  3. What a fun post!
    I have been to Mount Rushmore! It was a lot of fun!


    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
      Really? That's so cool!!

  4. I soooo badly want to go on a road trip, I don't even care where, I just want to go :) Spontaneous drives are what I live for xD
    Spain is also on my bucket list, it's gorgeous 🤩 And Italy and Greece, they both look super cool. Honestly though I'd basically go anywhere given the chance and some money xD
    Loved this <3

    1. I know, me tooooooo!!!
      They're pretty awesome I must say. xD
      I know! It's b.e.a.u.t.i.f.u.l.
      I'm so glad! <3

  5. I thought about going to My. Rushmore one time... But we ended up taking a different route home then expected and we didn't end up going. Maybe someday..

  6. Oooh this was so fun to read!!!! I'll have to do this! Mind if i steal your idea? *winks*

  7. I would looove to vacation on a ranch!!

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! No, go right ahead and use it. I don't mind. *winks*
