Thursday, July 15, 2021

My Cousin Passed Away...

I'm not sure what to say or how to say it. 

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow
of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy 
rod and thy staff they comfort me..."
Psalm 23:4

My dear, dear, sweet little cousin Abi(Abigail) passed away yesterday morning at 3:03a.m. She had a terminal illness and we all knew this day would come eventually. 

I'm not sure if I've ever told you all, but Abi is one of the little kids that I grew up with. We babysat Abi and her siblings my entire life growing up. As long as I remember, Abi and her siblings were a part of my life. She became more than just a cousin. She was like... almost a sister. In a way. 

Abi was sick with mitochondrial disease and there were many times in my life that I thought she would fly up into the arms of our Creator. But, our Lord gave us all the wonderful blessing of 14 1\2 years with sweet little Abi. <3  

Now, God took her quietly in the night and she can walk, talk, and sing praises with Grandma. 

I knew this day would come. Eventually. But when I woke in the night\early morning and heard my mom crying, I had no idea what the next words I would hear would do to me. 
I was very groggy and had no idea what time it was. I remember trying to look at the clock but my eyes were too tired. I heard my mom crying and couldn't figure out what was wrong. Mother and Daddy went into the kitchen and I heard my mom call someone. And oh how those next words I heard came to a shock to me. 
"Abi died." 
I can't even explain what happened. I felt sick, my stomach hurt and felt empty. My hand flew to my face and I whispered, "No." Then I began to silently cry. For some reason I felt dumb for hearing and I was crying all alone in my room. 
I listened to my mom talk, and then I knew she was calling another one of her sisters. I finally decided I needed to get up and tell them I heard. But, I stood in the hallway, blanket around my shoulders silently crying. But then I heard my mom say, "It's going to be really hard on my kids." And then it's like a hiccup emerged and I almost ran into the living room sobbing and explaining that I heard. My dad pulled me into his arms and I sobbed. 

We've been spending a lot of time with Clarissa(my aunt; the mama of Abi) and Joey, and the kids. It's been really hard on them. And for us. <3 

But we can find comfort in knowing that she is finally healed. She doesn't have to have any more pain. She can walk! Talk! Everything. Jesus is holding her. <3 

Me and Abi <3 

I love you Abigail Rose. <3 

So please, keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as we go through this hard time. Abi's family especially. <3  


  1. Aww. So sorry for your loss. Will be praying for you and your family.

  2. I’m so sorry- just remember, next time you see her she will be healed- AND you will never have to say goodbye again. 💙💙💙
    Prayers and hugs

  3. Know that I am praying for you and your family. I’m so sorry, this is so hard. <3

    1. Thank you, Brooklyne. I\we all really appreciate it. <3 Never realized how hard it would be. <3

  4. I'm so sorry. Praying that you and your family will have peace and comfort. <3

  5. Praying for you and all your family during this hard time, Liberty <3

  6. Aww Liberty! *hugs* I' so sorry!! Praying for you, your family, and Abi's 💕

  7. I keep seeing her in my minds eyes running into Jesus arms. No longer held to a chair but free of want and worry. I am praying for everyone, because lose is so hard.

  8. Just seeing this. Love you Liberty.
