Friday, November 15, 2019

Would Your Rather || T A G

Hello my dears! It's been a bit. I've been busy, doing school, living life, and running off to see my little niece, you know how that can be? *grins* Anyways! I'm back and throwing a tag at you and you'd better be ready! *laughs* 
I was tagged twice, so in this post I will be answering Beth and Jacie's questions in one post. Sound good to you? I'm glad. 

Now, enough chit chat. On with the tag!! Enjoy!

T H E   W O U L D   Y O U   R A T H E R   T A G

Rules to abide by:
1. Give credit to the person who tagged you (in my case, thanks Beth and Jacie!)
2. Include the picture above in your post 
3. Answer the questions that I wrote
4. Tag at least three other bloggers
5. Think of 6 questions to ask the people you tagged

B E T H ' S   Q U E S T I O N S :

1. Would you rather marry a good guy 20 years older than you are a not so great guy just a few months older than you?
A good guys 20 years older than me. I mean, I don't want a not so great guy. *laughs*

2. Would you rather drive an ugly car or live in an ugly house? 
Ummm. I really don't know. *laughs* Maybe drive an ugly car??

3. Would you rather have 10 kids that are all girls or have 15 kids that are all boys?
Probably 15 boys. With all those girls imagine how much hormones would be going on? *laughs*

4. Would you rather burn to death or freeze to death? (I know that is kind of violent)
How terrible Beth!! *laughs* Umm. Burn? Freeze? I have no idea! It's too terrible to choose!

5. Would you rather eat a whole bag a stale chips or a whole loaf of moldy bread? (I am running out of ideas ok?)
Stale chips. That just sounds better. *laughs*

6. Would you rather be a millionaire or a queen?
A millionaire. *laughs* I mean, who would not want to be a millionaire??

J A C I E ' S   Q E S T I O N S :

1. Would you rather have a pet Elephant or Ape?
Probably an Elephant. Apes are scary.

2. Would rather have French toast or Pancakes for breakfast?
Ummmm. To tell the truth, I don't really like either of those. *laughs* But I'd probably prefer French Toast.

3. Would you rather write a book or a story?
Probably a book.

4. Would you rather eat Chinese food or Mexican?  
Well, I'm actually allergic to peanuts and Chinese places all use peanut oil, so I'd rather have Mexican thank you! *laughs*

5. Would you rather be stranded on an island with friends or without friends?
With friends! I mean, who would want to be stranded on a island all alone???  

6. Would you rather spend your vacation in a camper or hotel?
Ummm. Depends on my mood I guess. *laughs* I'd probably rather spend it in a hotel?? *shrugs* I don't know. xP

 T A G :



Lily (Cat)

M Y   Q E S T I O N S :

1. Would you rather own a store, or restaurant? If you were to own either.

2. Would you rather eat spaghetti for a month, or tacos?

3. Would you rather have a blended hot chocolate drink, or blended coffee?

4. Would you rather run a ranch, or farm? Why?

5. Would you rather eat a whole potato raw, or a cooked large mushroom?

6. Would you rather own a entire village, or castle?

Well my friends, I guess that's that. *grins* Hope you enjoyed and come back next time! Until then!


  1. Aw I loved it! It’s so exciting to see this tag getting used! Loved your questions and anwsers!!!

  2. This is a silly, yet fun tag! You make it even more fun to read, though. *Winks* I enjoyed. *Grins*

    And thanks for tagging me!!

    1. I know, right?! *laughs* I'm glad!!

      You're welcome deary!

  3. lol basically all my answers would be different 😂 also the food in the first pic looks GREAT now im hungry 😂 btw, this is Jasmin, i got a blog now so thats cool 👍

    1. *laughs* Sorry! Oooh, cool! I'll go check it out and give you a follow!!

  4. Replies
    1. I can't seem to comment on your blog. It says I have to be signed in to Facebook, Twitter, or WordPress. *shrugs* So that's why i haven't commented! *laughs*

  5. hmmmmm.idk why but i cant comment on ur blog from my wordpress account it has to be my gmail? idk it's weird tho!

    1. I'm actually so confused 😂 oh welp i guess

    2. Yeah, I'm thinking I have to get a wordpress account in order to comment on your blog. *shrugs* Not sure though! *laughs*

    3. ahhhhh ic, yeah i think i might have made myself a blogger account but idk, i didnt do it on purpose 😂
