Thursday, February 6, 2020

Me in Book Characters || T A G

Hello my lovelies!!

How's your February going? Mine's going good! We're watching little (he's actually not very little anymore xP He's actually five now!) Hudson again so the house has been filled with pattering feet and a child's voice. As I type this, he sits by me and sings along with my Pandora. xP
Anyways! Ya'll ready for a tag?? *grins* Brooklyne tagged me for this really fun sounding book tag, so here it goes!!


1. Thank the creators of the tag. (Thank you whoever came up with this! :D)
2. Thank whoever tagged you. (Thank you Brooklyne!!!!)
3. List 5 book characters who you are most like and explain why.
4. Tag your friends! (I chose to tag six)

1. SueAnn from "Love Me Tender" by, Janice Hanna
So... *laughs at myself* *blushes* SueAnn is a squealing, young, fan-girling, teenage girl. She runs around with her friends at the soda shop, and squeals over boys with her friends. I'm told by my siblings that is exactly how I act. *hides face and turns red* Maybe I am a little boy-crazy. xP Isn't every teenage girl though??

2. Matilda from "Seasons of the Heart" series by, Janette Oke
Let's see... what am I most like with this character? *thinks a moment* She's kind of loud, giddy, and happy. I guess, that's the way I am. I'm loud, giddy, and happy. (most of the time xP ) And, that's all I can think of to say about that character! *winks*

3. Hettie from "Caddie Woodlawn" by, Carol Ryrie Brink 
Now, I actually can't remember everything about this book. (it's been awhile since I've read it) But I've been told by my siblings, that I was just like Hettie when I was little. The bearer-of-bad-news, always telling on my siblings, and ready to tell anyone bad news. *laughs* Maybe I was a little like that but hey, it's who I was. *grins*

4. Sarah Jane from "Grandma's Attic" series by, Arleta Richardson 
Sarah Jane is a conniving little girl who really doesn't mean to be naughty all the time and gets into scrapes with her best friend Mable. I'm told, by my siblings again, that I was like that when I was little, and Damara would be Mable. *laughs* Which is probably true. If me and Damara wrote a book about our childhood, there would be plenty of adventures in it for sure. *laughs*

5. AmyJo from "Love Comes Softly" series by, Janette Oke
Again, this is a little girl. (I couldn't think of any girl's my age, sorry!) AmyJo is loud, kind of tomboyish, happy, likes bright colors, and big words. *laughs* I may not have been all those things, but I was a few. I was loud, happy, (still am xP), and a tomboy. (can you believe it?! I used to wear holey clothes, have messy hair, and romp threw the woods with my big, black rubber boots.) *winks*  

I   T A G :

Well, I hope you all enjoyed this post! God bless, my friends!


  1. Ah, love it! You remind me a little bit about one of my characters, she always is cheery. XD

    1. *laughs* Yeah, I guess I am mostly that way. *shrugs* Though I can be down sometimes, but I'm a lot of the time cheery and giggling. xD

  2. Do you think I could still do this? I know! I'm always behind!
