Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Goodbye 2019 Hello 2020

Wow. All I can say is wow. How did 2019 pass by so quickly? The year 2020 is actually almost here? The year I always thought about as a kid, thinking it would be the strangest thing in the world?
So, to say goodbye to 2019 and hello to 2020 I thought it would be fun to do a post talking about things that happened in my life in 2019 and things that are going to happen in 2020. This new year is going to be filled with big things for me, but I'll talk about that a little later. xP
I really can't remember all that happened in this year, but we'll try our hardest. *winks*

We went to a big falls as a family and found out I'm afraid of heights. *shudders* Then Felicity and Josiah went back home to N.H. from their visit.

Our dear friend, Sandy died. Babysat Hudson, and it snowed. Like. A lot. xP LaKaysha turned 21!! *grins*

Surprised my mom and dad with a paid trip to Arizona for their anniversary. Felicity found out she was pregnant and told us the happy news. LaKaysha and Daminika went to N.H. for a visit. One of my cousin joined the marines.

My mom had a birthday, along with Felicity and Josiah. (not all on the same day though) And that's about it. *laughs*

Had a 25th wedding anniversary party for my mom and dad. My mom and dad went to Arizona. We all went to my Grandpa's 46' for Memorial Day, had a BBQ and did a little hiking.

Summer time started for us. We set up our pool and did a lot of swimming. My mom and dad flew to N.H. to help Felicity and Josiah move here. *confetti* 

Went to the beach as a family and had a blast eating all the good food and stuff. Went to a little local town for fireworks on the 4th. My cousin, Dustin got married to a sweet girl named, Abby (Abigail)

Went to the fair with my family, the aunts, and Damara. We watched tuff trucks and ate good food at the fair. Chancy graduated. I turned 15!!! *confetti* Chancy turned 18. 

My dad had a birthday. Me and Daminika made apple cider doughnuts for the first time. (they were really, really, good!)

Had a baby shower for Felicity. Felicity and Josiah found an apartment and moved out of our house. *sticks tongue out* Daminika turned 20. 

My cousin Matthew was born into this world, and three hours later Kate Marie was as well! (they were only three hours apart, but born on different days) Thanksgiving happened. My cousin who joined the marines came home for a visit. Me and my siblings started watching Laramie. xP (I know you don't care about that but whatever) 

Christmas happened!!!! Kate continues to grow, be cute, and that's about it. xD

The Big Things Of 2020:
I'm very nervous about all these things and I pray God will guide me through it all and get me through it. I will be getting confirmed. Get my permit. Turn 16, and then later on get my license. And that's the big things for me. *grins*

Well. That was my year. I hope you enjoyed reading this. Until next time! God Bless. <33


  1. I like these kind of posts! That's why I did one similar. *Winks*

    You have a lot going on next year! I didn't even realize that.

    1. I know!! They're a lot of fun. *winks*

      Yeah I know! It's crazy!

  2. Loved getting a overview glimpse of your year! <3

  3. Love!!
    I think I'll be going to Confirmation with you!
