Tuesday, February 25, 2020

top ten || tv shows (updated)

Hello lovelies!!

I was trying to think of something to blog about and thought you might like to see my (updated) top ten tv shows. I know I've done a post like this awhile back but this one is more accurate now. xP I've discovered more new\amazing shows so that's why I thought I'd give you an update. *winks*

1 || L A R A M I E

Yes. I know you all know about this but hey, it's my favorite so.... that's what's what. *grins*

Slim Sherman (John Smith) Jonesy (Hoagy Carmichael) the housekeeper and dear friend, and Slim's younger brother Andy, (Robert Crawford Jr.) are running their family ranch\relay station after their parents are dead, and Jess Harper (Robert Fuller) happens along on their ranch... (you all probably know all this but whatever) Jess has a past and was a gunfighter. Andy takes to Jess right away and wants to become pals. It takes Slim awhile longer to warm up to the stranger, but after a few fights, some bad guys, and scuffling, the two become closer than brothers and it's just adorable. <3

R A N D O M    Q U O T :

Jess just insulted Slim, who chases him down and grabs him, dunking him in the water trough. Jess manages to pull him under with him, and comes up spitting and gasping. Slim wipes at his dripping face and grins, while Jess looks at him and groans, "Aw...it ain't even Saturday!" 

2 || E M E R G E N C Y !

This series aired at a time when ambulance coverage in the United States was rapidly expanding and changing, and the role of a paramedic was emerging as a profession. The series is credited with popularizing the concepts of EMS and paramedics in American society, and even inspiring other states and municipalities to expand the service. Before this show we didn't have paramedics and they brought awareness to them. (off of Wikipedia)

Firemen\paramedics, Johnny Gage (Randolph Mantooth) and Roy DeSoto (Kevin Tigh)  are two of my favorites in this show, along with Dr. Brackett (Robert Fuller). The way they all try their hardest to save lives, and help people is heartwarming. And, come on. Just look at Johnny's (one on the far right) face! #swoonsville What's there not to love? xP I just really think this show is fascinating and I love to watch all them work. To watch the way they used to preform surgery and stuff, is actually kinda fascinating. Though Daminika gets creeped out. xP

(note: they never show them actually doing the surgery, but you do see some blood and cuts.)

As you all probably know, I have this thing for firefighters so when we started watching this show, I was totally excited!! *squeals* It's a great show and I think you should check it out!!

R A M    :

Johnny: looks at a man's "work of art" made of garbage and proclaims, "I like it."

Chet (another fireman): "Me too. Hey, John check this out." Then the two go off to see what he was talking about

Roy: Shakes head and says, "I don't know... I must be getting old. I don't like pop art, I don't like rock music, I keep my hair too short and I shower everyday."

3 || F A T H E R   K N O W S    B E S T

Now. This show is an absolute favorite in this family. <3 I can't even count how many times we've sat around the living room as a family and watched this amazing show together. <3 *all the feels* It's just such a good, clean, family show and you should watch it!! They have such good morals and give you good messages through out this show and I think it's a must watch.

Jim (Robert Young) and Margaret (Jane Wyatt), raise their three children in their lovely home in Springfield. Betty (Elinor Donahue) the oldest, is a sweet big sister but has her ups and downs just like any girl would. *winks* Bud the middle child, aka James Anderson Jr., (Billy Gray) is a fun-going, goof ball and is always making us laugh. The way he is, reminds me so much of my own brother that it's no wonder that he's my favorite character. *grins* Kathy (Lauren Chapin) the youngest, is full of smiles and has a saying that we always quote, "awe turn blue" *laughs*

R A M    :

Bud: Gets the mail and looks through it. "This is a special delivery for Dad from the Universal Alumni Association."

Jim: "I wonder how much money they want now. (Bud is shaking Jim's letter, trying to read it) Why don't you hold it up to the light so you can see it better?"

Bud: "Never thought of that." (Holds it up to the light) "Can't see a thing."

Jim: "Bud, as long as it's addressed to me, do you mind letting me have it?"

4 || R O A D   TO   A V O N L E A

Awe..... *hearts* This show. I just love it. <3

This show is such a sweet show. I've watched it since I was little. Our library has it and I still watch it from time to time. It brings me such happy feelings. Don't you ever have a show or movie that's done that to you??
There are so many characters that I can't name them all. *laughs* So I'll just name a few of my favorites. *winks* Felicity King (Gema Zamprogna) has always been a favorite of mine. to watch her grow from a child into a beautiful adult is heartwarming. And the way she falls in love with, another favorite of mine, Gus Pike (Michael Mahonen) is adorable. And their story is just the best. <3 Felix King (Zachary Bennett), Sarah Stanley (Sarah Polley), Andrew (Joel Blake), and Izzy Pettibone (Heather Brown), are my other favorites but I won't talk about them. 'cause you'd be here awhile. xP

R A M    :

Felicity talking about Gus: "I intend to set my sights much higher than a dirt-covered boy who lives in an old lighthouse!"

5 || H O G A N ' S    H E R O E S 

This show is another one of my siblings and I's favorites. <3 It's a great comedy and I love it. xD
Hogan (Bob Crane) and his men are being held in a POW and are helping in the underground beneath Commandant Klink's (Werner Klemperer) nose. *laughs* Their guard and "helper" Schultz (John Banner) is just so funny in his big, loud way. He has this thing he always says whenever he sees Hogan's plans for the underground or something and we like to quote it. *laughs* The way they're always getting in and out of camp without Klink's knowing is just hilarious. I really like it and you should check it out!!

R A M    :

Colonel Klink: "When I looked out the window I thought I saw a chimpanzee raking in the garden."

Hogan: "Well if it makes you feel any better, sir, there IS a chimpanzee raking in the garden."

Colonel Klink: "WHAT?!"  

6 || R A W H I D E

Awe, yes. This show is a good one! *winks* It was my number one for quite a spell their but... I guess not anymore. xP

This show is about men driving cattle in the old west. The episodes don't go together but each one is filled with excitement and sometimes even romance... <3 Which is the cutest thing ever. *winks*
Mr. Favor (Eric Fleming) the trail boss is a typical trail boss in my mind. Always giving orders and trying his hardest to get all the cattle to the rail head safely. For a long time there, he was my favorite in this show but that slowly faded away... My favorite going to Rowdy (Clint Eastwood) when I realized that Mr. Favor was a little grumpy all the time. *laughs* Rowdy is such a funny, sweet guy. I mean come on, he's Clint Eastwood! <3 Oh, and Pete! He's the best too! *winks*

R A M    :

Hey Soos: lets a man come and steal Mr. Favor's horse. "I am a fool. I shall go and drown myself."

Rowdy: "Where? In a bucket? There ain't no water for miles."

Me: *still laughing at Rowdy*

7 || M Y   T H R E E   S O N S

Now. This show I actually haven't watched all the way through because they haven't released them all. *sad face* But the few seasons (or was it just the first season??) that I've watched are really good and I'd really like to watch the whole show. Amazon is slowly selling more and more seasons so maybe I'll just have to buy them??

This show is a little like Father Knows Best. You know, that style of show? *laughs* Steve Douglas (Fred MacMurray)  and the boys' live-in maternal grandfather and housekeeper, Bub (William Frawley) raise Steve's three sons, and I guess later on in the show the oldest leaves and they adopt another son. xP So technically there's not only three sons but, we'll forgive them. *winks* Robbie (Don Grady), being my favorite character from this show is a goofy guy, full of energy, and sings. So, yeah. I guess that's all I can think of to say about this show. *winks* 

R A M    :

Robbie: "Beanbrain!"

Mike: "Knothead!"

8 || T H E   D I C K   V A N   D Y K E   S H O W

This is another family favorite so yeah... *laughs* Of course it's going to be on my list. *winks*

Rob Petrie (Dick Van Dyke) is a hardworking, television writer for the "Allan Brady Show" and his wife Laura (Mary Tyler Moore) is a sweet, lovable mother\wife. Unlike most mothers then, she is content to be a stay-at-home mother and raise their son, Richie (Larry Mathews). There are other characters that we all love but I don't feel like writing about them. *laughs at myself* It's just such a cute, and hilarious show and I think everyone should watch it. So, I guess that's all I got to say about it. *laughs* 

R A M    :

(note: this is from one of my favorite episodes)

(Sally, Buddy, Rob and Laura are staying in a haunted cabin, all four are in the same bed because they are scared of the ghost)

Rob: "It's been over two hours and nothing strange or unusual has happened."

Sally: "Oh, really? What do you call four grown people sleeping in the same bed with their clothes on?"

Me: *still laughing*

9 || T H E   A N D Y   G R I F F I T H   S H O W

Awe, yes. You all know The Andy Griffith Show, right? This show is such a good one! *all the hearts* Just like, Father Knows Best, it's a great family show. <3

Andy Taylor (Andy Griffith) is the sheriff of Mayberry, along with hie beloved deputy, Barney Fife (Don Knotts). As we all know, Barney is a goofy guy who can almost always make us laugh. Aunt Bee (Frances Bavier), helps raise Andy's son, Opie (Ron Howard) and it's just such a cute\funny show. If you've never watched it, then you must not be living! *laughs* (okay, I'll forgive you if you haven't but...)

R A M    :

Leon (a random little boy that's in the show): tries to hand Andy a half eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich.   

Andy: "No thanks. No thanks, Leon. No thanks." 

10 || T H E   W A L T O N S

Now this show I grew up watching with my siblings and I'll admit it, I was a little scared of some of the episodes in it but I've grown up now. *laughs* xP I really enjoyed re-watching some of the episodes again and I would like to re-watch a lot of it. Only I am sad that, SPOILER ALERT! they kill off Curt (Tom Bower), Maryellen's (Judy Norton) husband, only to bring him back as a different man. *glares* If you're gonna kill him, and not bring him back the same guy, keep him dead!! I also really don't like that they replace John Boy (Richard Thomas).... *all the sad looks*

This show is about the Walton family who live on 'Walton Mountain'. There are soooooooooo many characters that I can't even begin to name them all. But I'll name a few of my favorites. Daddy (Ralph Waite), is such a convincing dad, and I really like they way he interacts with everyone. Mamma (Michael Learned), is another convincing mother and I like her character quite a bit too. John Boy definitely has got to be my favorite. He's such a sweet big brother and I just love his character. <3 There are more, but you'd be here awhile. *laughs*

R A M    :

Grandma Walton: "Rise and shine, you two!"

Jason: "I'll rise, but I sure won't shine."

Honorable Mentions:

"I Love Lucy"
"Little House On The Prairie"
"Father Murphy"

Whew! I did it! (that took a lot longer than you'd think)

I hope you enjoyed this! Until my monthly photo dump! God bless, my friends! (also, should I get a trim and layers in my hair?? tell me your thoughts in the comments!!!)


  1. Ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! HOGAN'S HEROES ( is my favorite right now :) ) , THE WALTONS, ( hey THE WALTONS use to be on Prime Video but sadly it's not on prime any more :( ) THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW,THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW,FATHER KNOWS BEST, are all really nice shows! <3 <3 <3

    ~Jacie~ thebiglifechange.blogspot.com

  2. I Iove Andy Griffith!!! Also I Love Lucy and the Dick Van Dyke show! They're all really good:)

  3. 4,8,8,10, and the last three honorable mentions!!!! ;)

  4. ahhh I love road to Avonlea! it such a comfort show. I watched a few episodes of the Waltons && I Love Lucy and they were both so fun!!
    Some of my favorites are Dr Quinn: Medicene Woman, Bonanza and of course Road to Avonlea, hahah.

    1. I know! Me too!! *grins*
      Ooh, you've got some good ones!! *winks*

  5. I LOVE the Andy Griffith show and the Waltons!!! I'll defiantly have to check out the other ones you mentioned. :D My favorites (at the moment) are Dr. Quinn medicine Woman, The Cosby Show, Andy Griffith and The Waltons. :) This was a really fun post!

    1. Awe, yes! if you do, tell me what you thought of them!! *winks*
      Ooh, sounds like some good ones!! I'm so glad you enjoyed this! :)

  6. *Shakes head* You really got me on Emergency! I really enjoyed what you showed me!

    1. *chuckles happily* That's why I'm the best person to ask for a new show to watch. I can get you really hooked! *laughs* I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!! *does a little happy dance*
