Friday, December 27, 2019

Photo Dump || December

Well, hello there. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I know I did! *grins*
Whew! This month is almost over and then..... it's going to be 2020!!!!!!!!!!! *gasps* Is anyone else gasping because we will be living in the year 2020? I am. *laughs* 

A N Y W A Y S !

Currently read\reading:

"North To The Rails" by, Louis L'Amour
"Love Me Tender" by, Janice Hanna

Currently watched\watching:

"Laramie" (guys. we finished this show and i may cry. i love it)
"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" *squeals* Every time I watch this I am reminded how much I love Cap's movies. <3 
"Hogan's Heroes" 
"Aladdin" (the old one)
"I'll Be Seeing You"
"An Avonlea Christmas"  *cries* This is the saddest movie ever. I love it. <3
"It's A Wonderful Life" <3
"Father Knows Best" 

Whew! That was a lot. *laughs* Now on with the photo dump! Enjoy!

*kisses her*

Me and LaKaysha painted this nativity and I made the stable. *sunglasses*

Wrapping Christmas gifts <3

The family room decorations...

(please try and ignore my cousins signature. he helped put up the wall 
so of course he had to sign it) xP

Going to get our Christmas tree! 

We got a small tree this year, but hey, it was adorable. 

*sighs* Christmas is just so cozy. 

Went shopping with my mom and all my sisters....

....and this little love bug. <33333333

My shopping finds! I love them. <3

Baking. <3

*kisses her forever*

I had fun writing on the chalk board. *grins*

A peach pie I made <3

My new clothes! <3

Had a sleepover with Damara. We watched "I'll Be Seeing You" 
It was a blast!

Then the next day, Danielle (another cousin) picked us up and we went to my Grandpa's to wrap gifts and stuff envelopes. We had fun. Other than the fact that we screamed in our uncle's face and ran upstairs, thinking he was a murder or something. *laughs* Let's just say girls can be easily scared when their home alone. *still laughs at the way we acted*

Before going there though, we stopped at Arrowhead and got coffee. <3

Made supper for us three and Grandpa and Sue. <3

Drew Slim <3 (a character from Laramie)


Family Christmas at my Grandpa's! <3

New pj's I bought. 

Christmas gift from Damara. Thanks girl!!!!!

Colored this on Christmas Eve. <3

Christmas Eve goodies. <3

My wonderful gingerbread house. *grins*

my stocking finds. <3

Christmas breakfast. It was goooood. 

All dressed up and ready for Christmas dinner.

*mouth waters for more* this was so good I want it again. <3333

 All my gifts!!!! Let's just say, I have an amazing brother, and amazing sisters. <3

Did a painting with my new painting stuff!!

I absolutely love this camera. My brother is <3333333

New decor for my dresser. 

And it's over! Whew! that was quiet a few pictures. Did you make it to the end? *laughs* I hope you enjoyed and had a wonderful Christmas!