Sunday, August 25, 2019

She's Six Months!

Can you all believe it?! My sister is already six months along! *gasps* Her belly is getting larger, and the baby is flipping, kicking, and punching a lot more. *heart eyes* I'm getting super excited to meet the little one, and finally know if it's a he or she. *laughs* We've seen Baby's little face in an ultrasound, and they are cuter than ever! Baby has a cute little button nose, and looks like an angel. <333333  

Felicity - six months

We've all been guessing and I thought it would be fun if you guys guessed. *grins* So, what do you think she's having? A boy? Or a girl?

 Baby E. <3


  1. I really have no idea, but I'll guess boy. *wink*

    It'll be fun to see the little one in person!

    1. I keep wanting a girl, but deep down inside I think it's a boy. *laughs*

      That it will be!!

  2. ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

  3. I can't decide what I think it is. I want a girl, but would be happy with a boy too xP
    Lately I've been thinking it's a girl, though for the longest time I though it was a boy xP

    1. I feel like it's a girl again. xP For the longest time it was a girl in my mind, then a boy, and now it's back to a girl! *laughs*
