Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Getting Ready For School

It's that time of the year again! School time! *grins*
We've been getting ready for school, buying notebooks, pencils, etc. And It's kind of exciting, right? Don't you get excited when you begin a new school year? I know I do. *laughs* I'm getting excited to be doing school again and stuff, but I am not excited to be doing it alone.
I'm one of those people who hates being alone, so this has been really hard for me. I'm going to be alone, doing school, the last one of my family to get confirmed, and the last one to get a drivers licence. I won't be getting my licence 'till next year, but I'm kind of a worry wort, and I think ahead a lot. *sheepish grin* I know I should just take one day at a time, but I don't. I think ahead, what will I do? Will I pass the drivers test? What if I fail? What if I make my parents spend more money because I fail the test? You know, things like that. But I've got to just step back and let God take control. It's hard, but I've been trying.

Lately I've been thinking a lot about this coming school year. It's just been super hard, trying to grow up, let my brother go, and accept things. I just don't want to give Chancy up. I want him to always be with me. We've done almost everything together my whole life, birthday parties, school, growing up, everything, and now. Now he's moving on ahead of me, leaving me behind, and it's hard.

Well, I guess that's all I have to say about that. *laughs*

How have you been lately? Still doing school? What are your favorite subjects?! (my favorite is, math)


  1. Buying school supplies is always a blast! *winks* And I will be praying for you this school year! <33

  2. I started 8th grade August 5th. (yes, I am a grade behind.) School shopping is always fun, even "window shopping". And I doubt you'll get too lonely. 😊😊😊

    1. Cool! I'm in 10th grade. Yes, shopping is fun!! :) :)
