Wednesday, June 3, 2020

School Essay || The Christian Homeschool

Hello lovelies!! 

So, I was flipping through my schoolwork the other day, and was reading all my essays and book reports. I thought it would be fun to share with you my thoughts on the Christian Homeschool. It's just my thoughts and you can either agree or disagree with me. But I just thought I'd share because I feel like it. *smiles* Enjoy!

The Christian Home School 
 Everyone has their own way of methods. But over the years, more and more families have come to a point in life where they decide to homeschool their children.
The schools out there are teaching wrong morals, supporting the bad in this world and not talking about the most important. God.
With homeschooling you can teach your children the way you see fit. But you may have to look into your state’s laws; get acquainted with them before beginning your new way to teach your children.
 You don’t have to be perfect; have a “class room”, stand in front of the class, etc. You can merely have your children sit around the living room, dining room, anywhere you and your children are most comfortable. The dining room table might be a good place to do science, math, grammar, etc. But you can sit around the living room together and read, study God’s word, and become closer to Him. Together.
 Homeschooling isn’t just a way to keep your children out of the schools and trouble, but you can become closer to them. Teach them about the heavenly Creator. Learn what they love. Help them; hands on.
You may find that your child loves insects, animals, or is even interested in medical science. Take them to the journey of their dreams. Support their dreams of one day becoming; a doctor, veterinarian, scientist, lawyer, artist, anything! You can help them.
 The more you are with your children and see what they’re learning the more you will find joy in it. Children aren’t something to play with. They were given to you from God and you are to help them along in this life, teaching them the right ways.
 Schools these days are turning away from what’s right. Leaving God behind, taking away the right to pray and teach about the most wonderful, heavenly Creator.
 Homeschooling is a great way for you and your children to learn about God’s world, and what He has made. The bugs, dirt, sky, life. Everything. He made it all.
 Some people say that teaching their children is hard. “How will I ever get the groceries if they’re at home with me?” or, “What about my me-time?” but those are the words of selfish people. Children aren’t just something to be careless about. They are human beings with souls to think about. You have to teach them the right ways. God gave them to you, until the day he calls us all home.
 I believe homeschooling is a great way to teach your children at home, at their pace, whether they are a fast learner or slow. Teach them at the pace they are most comfortable with. Who cares if they’re in math six at age 13? They will learn at the pace they can. Some children are slower than others. That’s why homeschooling is such a wonderful thing. The kids don’t have to feel pressured to finish their books, stay in the right, grade. Children have different levels, and some are super smart at the age of six, but some are still struggling to read. It’s all about their pace. Some children may even be faster than others. Doing math six at the age of 10. It doesn’t matter. As long as they’re learning and understanding it. Don’t just rush the through the books just so you can say that they’ve finished all the “right” grades.
 Homeschooling is a wonderful thing. The kids can do it at their own pace; take breaks if they’re getting too tired. Read their books in bed, outside, anywhere. As long as they’re learning, it doesn’t really matter where they do it.
 I loved to be able to do my work outside in the sunshine, soaking up the beauty of God’s creation.
 As long as we all take it at the pace the children need, turn to God for wisdom and understanding, we will all make it. Homeschooling will be such a blessing to your family.

Liberty S.

Well, I know this was random but I hope you enjoyed it anyways! *winks* God bless you, friends!