Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Photo Dump || August

*hello lovelies* 

Whew! This month went super fast for me. What about you? I was busy most of it, so that's why this is a little late. *winks*
Am I the only one that can't stand when you're August photo dump is in the September tab? *laughs* I always try and get these monthly photo dumps posted in the month they're for because otherwise I can't stand it. *laughs* I know, I'm weird. xP

At the beginning of this month, me and Damara spent the night at Danielle's. We had been planning a little cousin sleepover since November of last year. People got sick, things happened, and so that's why we finally got to do it this month. *laughs*
We ran and got coffee and that was a ton of fun! Of course I was the one paying and I realized we were like a dollar short so I (thought I frantically) dug around in my wallet. Danielle had a few extra dollars with her so it all worked out fine. *laughs*
I thought I was freaking out but both Damara and Danielle say I looked as calm as ever. xP

Me and Daminika randomly re-did my room one day. I was wanting a daybed and was kind of getting sick of the style I had originally gone for. So, we moved this, did that, took doors down and replaced them with curtains. *laughs* It looks so much better than before and I absolutely love it!! I'll post a video tour soon. *winks*

Family came from across the state and it was nice to see them and have little kids running around our backyard for a change.

My grandpa sold his home of years. He moved to that property when he was eleven. Even though he never lived in the same house, he had never moved off that property since he was little. It was hard to say goodbye and is still hard if I think too much about it.

Me and Damara went camping!! It was a ton of fun, even with our little bear encounter. *laughs* I posted a video of it here.

Kate turned nine months. Nine months! Whew. That girl is growing up way too fast! She takes a few steps now and stands on her own. Is a very busy little thing, always wanting to go somewhere. She still has this thing for Auntie (I've finally reached my dream of calling myself auntie) and doesn't like it if I leave her. She's getting better though. For awhile there I couldn't even walk by without her bawling to be picked up. xD

Went to the beach again! It was just sort of a last minute trip and I really enjoyed it!

I turned sixteen! *does a quick little happy dance*

Chancy turned nineteen!! *still mind blown*

I should be getting my license before too long. I can actually get them by tomorrow but I still haven't gotten all my hours so it'll have to be a little after that.

I got to go riding yesterday!!!!! *dances around forever in my glories* My friends know a lady that lets us ride her horses and she's moving now. So Danielle invited me to come riding for one last time before she moves. I'm slightly sad (even though I hardly know the lady) because her house was the only place I'll probably be able to ride at. I don't know anyone else around here with horses so...

Currently reading\read:

"Ride The River" by Louis L'Amour
"Heartbreak Trail" by Susan K. Marlow

Currently watching\watched:

"Full House"
"Ant-Man and the Wasp"
"Fox and the Hound 2"

Enjoy the dump of photos. *winks*

 Stacking wood was never one of my favorite
 summer jobs. *sweaty face* *laughs*  

 Playing a really fun game with Damara and Danielle.

 Some reason I didn't get a picture when the yard light was off and Danielle had her
sleeping bag laid out. 

 Danielle's van doesn't have AC so the windows were open. That's why my hair is 
doing something crazy. xD

 Oh my little blue eyed angel. <3

 Drove my mom to town and parked straight!!

 I'm becoming a pro at driving through a drive-through. *sunglasses*

 Sibling selfie! 

 Last time in The Memory Tree <3

 This is sooooooo good!! It's a blended Italian soda!

 Snuggles with this baby are the best. <3

 Tried out my new nail polish 

 Birthday breakfast!

 *still melts* My brother is just amazing. 

 This is actually dead. *laughs* There were a ton of dead, whole
crabs everywhere! So I set this one up to look real. *laughs*

 I want!!!

Ready to go riding...

 We only had one horse so we all had to take turns but I still enjoyed it!

 *happy sigh* I'll miss you Cassie. <3

My beautiful puppy!

Whew! That was a little long! I hope you didn't get too bored. *winks* I hope your month was a great as mine was! God bless! 


  1. i love these posts, they are the best !! and ahhh all the coffee!

  2. So fun! You have such cute shirts and dresses!! Where do you shop? *winks*

    1. Awe, thanks! Umm, I just ordered a few things from Walmart, Amazon, and H&M so that's probably where most of my stuff is from. *winks*

  3. Funnnnnn!!!! 😁😁😁💙💙💙😁😁😁

  4. Fun!! Aw that’s sad about not getting to ride anymore🙁 IG YOU’LL JUST HAFTA COME RIDE WITH ME, OKAY?

  5. Where did you get that dress that you are wearing in the memory tree?

    1. I got it from my sister who got it from Ross I believe? ;)

  6. I always enjoy the pictures you take! Have you been drawing at all lately? (Oh and btw, I've used a couple different accounts to comment in the past and I just figured out how to change my Blogger profile picture to an actual photo 😂 so just letting you know that anyone commenting as Scarlett - that was me XP)

    1. Awe, thank you! I'm glad you do. Yes I have actually. I just drew one yesterday. I was busy and couldn't think of anyone to draw. But I should really draw some more again. (Lol, okay thanks for letting me know!)
