Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Photo Dump || September

*hello lovelies* 

Wow. Where in the world has the time gone? It feels like just yesterday we were starting out this crazy year of 2020. Nine months. Already nine months of this crazy ride has gone. *mind blown*
Been enjoying the last few days of summer. Had a bonfire with a few friends and my great aunt and uncle came by. I haven’t seen them in a long time so it was really nice to get to see them again. 
Before they moved we would go to their house every Friday night. It was something I really looked forward to. 

Had a movie night with “The Aunts” and watched “Fox and the Hound” *tries not to sob* That movie is dreadfully sad. 

After church one Sunday me and Damara went with my sisters to town and we ate Jack In The Box while sitting in a parking lot xP 
Then we headed over to a local park and put our feet in the water and  I really enjoyed it. 

Labor Day happened. We headed up the hill to my grandparents and spent the day with them. 

The big fire started Labor Day evening and the smoke stayed until at least two weeks after that. 

Threw a surprise birthday party for Damara!! It was a ton of fun. Me and Danielle were the only ones there but it was just right. We are good food, provided by yours truly, and enjoyed the day and night of playing board games and watching “Numb3rs”

Made a sign for the firefighters since they were staying right across the road. 

Did some drawing. 

Been writing more in "Where Wildflowers Grow" I am so happy with how it’s turning out! I’ve started rewriting it and I’m loving it. *happy sigh* 

Rain came! The air has finally cleared and we can actually see blue skies again!! *does a happy dance*
It’s sooooo nice to be able to breathe again! The fresh air is wonderful. 

The fire isn’t out by any means but all evacuation levels have been lifted and it's a lot more contained. I haven't really heard much more about it so I take that as good news. *winks*

Got my license!! *does a happy dance around the room* I drove to Damara’s to hang out and guys... it was AMAZING! I loved it! Driving is so much fun and even more so when you can do it by yourself! I can’t wait until my six months is up and I can drive with friends. Me and Damara are going to go get coffee, go to town, go out to eat, the works. *sunglasses* I can’t wait. 

Currently reading/read: 

"Ride The River" by Louis L'Amour
"No Better Friend" by, Robert Weintraub  
"An American Life" by, Ronald Reagan

Currently watching/watched:

"Age Of Ultron" 
"Full House"

Enjoy the photo dump! *winks*

My new pajamas and man are the comfy!!

*gag* Smoke.

Went to town with Danielle to get stuff for the party...
... we got doughnuts xP

Party time!!

*dies* She's just TOO much!

*laughs* She's loving her new pajamas xD

Eeeeeek! Got my license and drove to Damara's!!

Doing school when you have a cold calls for the couch. *winks*

Hope you enjoyed! What's been up in your life? Have a good night and God bless! 


  1. The pictures of Kate!! *all the hearts*

    You and Damara look SO much alike in that first picture of you two together! (Is there any more of you two? I didn't feel like checking. *Laughs*)

    1. I know!!! *all the hearts*

      Really?! I did think people would say that when I posted it but I don’t see that much of a resemblance xP (oh nope *winks*)

  2. Congrats on getting your license, Liberty! Kate is so cute! I have to read that same Ronald Reagan book for school!

    1. Thank you!! Isn’t she?! Really? I actually am reading it for school but I also read it whenever because I really enjoy it *winks*

  3. Yay for getting your license!! I can get mine in January... i am so excited!
    Ahhh all the food looks amazing and i love all the pictures! these are my favorite posts! :D

    1. Thanks! Really? That's so cool!!
      It sure was tasty! *winks* Awe, I'm glad. ;)

  4. I love your pictures! You got your License! Thats so exciting!

  5. Ahh yay congrats on getting your license!!! So exciting!!!!

    mmm all the fires and warm drinks look amazing! (as long as they aren't coffee, haha)

    so glad the fire is contained!! Aww Kate! 😍 She's so cute!!!

    1. Awe, thanks!! It is!!

      Yessss *all the feels* (lol, I think most of them were actually tea but I do drink coffee)

      Me too!! She is, isn’t she? *heart eyes*

  6. I always love these. Miss you!
    I can't believe your driving!! Eeek!

    1. Awe, I'm so glad. Back at ya!
      I know! Eeeeek! It's awesome!
