Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Photo Dump || March

hello lovelies! 

So, I know I said I wasn't going to post until after I got home. But I managed to get this post all typed up and ready so I have it scheduled to post, even though I will be busy. *winks* Genius, I know. 

I lived life, and filmed my day in the life video for you guys! That was actually a lot of fun. *laughs* 

Went to town with Damara and Danielle one day! That was actually a lot of fun. And I bought a new outfit so it made the day even better. *winks* 

Drew and painted. Like always. xP

Bought myself new pajamas. They're super cute I must say. *winks*

Damara got her license!! So we met up at our grandparents place and hiked around. Sat by a lovely little creek and it was so peaceful and wonderful. I'm glad we got to go. <3 

Summer weather must be coming, for we had a bonfire and marshmallows! And they were "healthy" marshmallows too! Felicity bought them; they were sweetened with maple syrup, and were square. But they were goooood! 

The day finally came that I can drive with friends!! *jumps up and down* Me and Damara made a day of going to our local little town and getting coffee and walking at the park. It was so much fun and I can't wait until we make it to the "big town". *eager squeals* 

I redid my. Yes, again. *blushes* I have a post all typed up and waiting to be published but I thought I'd wait until after I got back from Montana. *laughs* So once I'm home there will be a few posts coming up. *wink wink* 

Damara's dog, Lady, died so I bought her donuts and flowers. <3 

Went to the mall with my mom and Felicity and Kate to buy me a dress! We found one and I absolutely love it!! 

And for some big news!!! I let my mom cut four inches off my hair! *gasps* I was a little nervous to chop it off but it was just so long and kept getting in my way that I decided it was time. I didn't want to go too short though so I told her, her limit was four inches. I'm surprised at how much I'm liking it! (I'm always so skeptical when it comes to my hair xD) I say that my hair is short now, but people keep telling me I still have long hair, xD So I guess what I should say is, my hair is short-er. *winks* 

Currently reading\read: 

"Love Finds You In Poetry Texas" by, Janice Hanna
"A Thousands Tomorrows" by, Karen Kingsbury
"Heartbreak Trail" by Susan K. Marlow

Currently watching\watched: 

"Falcon and the Winter Soldier" 
"Magnum P.I." 
"The Princess Protection Program." 
"Captain American: The Winter Soldier" 
"Last Man Standing" 

Enjoy the photos! 

Who doesn't love edible cookie dough? 

*dies* She's. So. Sweet. 

I finally finished it. *laughs*

"Ganma, Ganma, color." 

Sibling game of clue.

Going to town with the cuzies!

My new outfit!! 

Actually did some smash booking for once. *laughs*

My new pjs!

She just loves the "baby bawk bawk" xD It's actually a full grown 
chicken but Kate calls it a baby. xD

She just loves little Maggie. <3

<3 <3 

Then I used LaKaysha's cup one day just because. I mean, who wouldn't??
(I hope you're cool and know what it means. xD)

Tried my hand at adding an elk to my scenery painting... 

Going out with Damara!!!!

I was given the opportunity to sell some of my handiwork in a relatives store 
down by the beach! So these two are for that. 

I look weird in this picture, so please try and ignore that. xP But look 
at that kid's sweet face! 

Randomly decided to run to the big town and get milkshakes! 
(thanks sista! *winks*)

(this is 100% dairy free. It's amazing!)

*squeals* I just loooooove this dress!! 

The only little sneak peek you get. *winks* 

Eeeeeeeeeek!! What do you guys think?!!!

Isn't it cute?! (it's already sold along with the one below)

I hope you enjoyed reading this!! What do you all think of my hair?! Comment down below. I love to read each and every comment I get. Thank you guys for sticking around! God bless and keep you always, my friends! <3


  1. First, I love your new haircut! I know it can be stressful cutting it, but it’s so fun to mix it up too!
    Secondly, the Princess Protection Program I remember being kinda a fun one!
    How did you like it?
    *hides* idk what the mug means! *facepalm* I’m not cool, lol. *winks*
    Also, I rly like your style! Super cute!
    That’s awesome that you are selling your paintings! Good for you! *high fives*

    Have an amazing trip to MT! <3

    1. THANK YOU!!!!!! Gah, I know! It's so stressful and yet fun. xD
      Yeah it was fun! I've grown up watching it so it has some good memories behind it. ;)
      *laughs* Oh so sad. xD It's only a thing that people who watch "Emergency!" would know what it means. *laughs* So if you haven't watched it, you won't know what "KMG 365" means. *winks*
      Awe thank you!!
      Ah, isn't it?! I've sold quite a few now and I'm so excited to see how they sell in the store. *grins* Thank you! *high fives you back*

      Thank you so much!! <3

  2. The edible cookie dough looks super good! Can you share the recipe? Also, the jumper-style dress is so pretty! Where did you get it?

    1. It is!!! *licks lips* Yeah I can definitely do that. ;)
      Awe thank you!! I love it! *heart eyes* I got it from Old Navy.

  3. Love all the pics! And your hair looks great!!! Aww Kate!!😍
