Monday, August 31, 2020

Happy Birthday, Bro

(picture off of Pinterest)

*hugs Chancy real tight*

Today my amazing big brother turned nineteen. *mind blown* It seems it was just yesterday that we were running through the woods together with our walkie talkies, climbing trees and reporting any cars that came down our little private dead end road.

Chancy has always been the big brother that was there for you when you really needed it. And I mean always. He was there for me even when I didn't notice.

Take August 31st 2007 for example. I hardly remember this, but home videos help jog my memory. He was turning six and I had already turned three a few days before. All us little kids were piled on the floor by the stove in the dim house of my grandparents waiting for him to open his big gift.
My grandma was sick and dying of cancer and we spent every waking moment in that house.
In the home video we have, Chancy looks a little sad and lost. I sat huddled close to his side. I was too young to really comprehend what was going on but he was there for me, that I know.
We were all waiting for the parents to give the go ahead for Chancy to open his gift. He was looking at me with those eyes of his and he pulled me into a hug and placed a kiss on my cheek. (I think. It could've been my forehead)
Now I don't remember it all that clear but the video helps a little. I just know that he was there for me and always will be. <3

I'm the one sitting by Chancy in the blue dress. You can hardly see me.

Sure our childhood wasn't all hugs and kisses. We had our scrapes like any child does. *winks* But I mostly remember all the good times together, though I can remember a few times I could just do without him for a day. xD

The best memory I have of playing with my "playmate of days past" (you'll find out who said that in my next post) is when we would dress into our play clothes, and believe me they were rags xP, and go climb trees. We had these awesome trees that would bend everywhere and we could shoot each other into the air with them. It was the best and for awhile there we spent every waking moment in those trees out back, acting like a bunch of wild Indians. xD   

Thank you Chancy for being the best playmate any girl could ask for, and for being there when I need a good hug or just a few simple words of comfort. You know how to make me laugh, cry, and get on my nerves. *winks* But I love you. I hope your next year is filled with adventures and joy. Happy birthday big brother. <3

I hope you have a great day my friends! God bless!


  1. Awww that's the sweetest! Y'all sound really close! That's amazing! Honestly tho I understand having that brother you can get soo annoyed from but you can't live without them. "You can't live with them but you can't live without them." I hope your brother had an amazing birthday!

  2. Aren't brothers just awesome?! Happy Birthday Chancy!
