Monday, April 27, 2020

Photo Dump || April

Hello my lovelies! 

How'd your month go? Did you get so bored you didn't know what to do? *laughs* My month was actually pretty good. I was kept pretty busy with drivers-ed, Tuck, school, and life. *winks*

Managed to leave the house a couple of times. *happy dance*

Drove on the road for an hour!! *squeals* It was pretty cool. I only drove on back roads, and in our little town, so it wasn't too scary. *winks* But I'm getting more and more comfortable with it, so that's cool!

Easter happened. Even though we didn't get to go to church and then gather at my grandpa's for Easter dinner after, it was a good day. Listened to a sermon on line, Felicity and Josiah came and we spent a nice day together and enjoyed a wonderful Easter dinner. <3 It was still a beautiful day.

Got a puppy! My dad randomly told us to pick a puppy when we went to our aunt and uncle's so... yeah! *laughs* You can read about him here. 

Went to a local falls and walked around. It felt sooooo good to get out! *sighs happily*

Did quite a bit of painting. Sadly no drawing. I just can't seem to think of anyone to draw. Any ideas???

Kate is getting SO big!! She's now flying around in her walker, eating baby food, sits up, and scoots across the floor like a little inch worm. *laughs*

Been having a lot of sibling time, and I'm loving it! *all the hearts* We just visit in the living room, or watch our shows together and I just love those times. I feel that with all this happening, we've been getting closer and closer. (or maybe we always were this close?? xP )

And that's about it. Haven't been able to do much so... yeah. xD

Currently watching\watched:

"Playing With Fire"
"Sonny With a Chance"
"Psych The Movie"
"Miss Annie Rooney"

Currently reading\read:

"Winter Is Not Forever" by, Janette Oke
The Bible

And that's it! Enjoy the photo dump!

Palm Sunday <3

With the world going crazy out there, I thought we could use a little 
encouragement. So I wrote this on the pantry. <3

My adorable puppy (dog) waiting for me to come back outside. <3

My awesome siblings on the barn roof. #chillin'

Made pretzels one night. And then after we watched "Emergency!" 
and "Psych" so it was a great evening. *winks*

I actually got quite a few coffees this month. But only 
took a picture of a couple.  xP

Trying to take a selfie with your dog can be impossible. xD 

Had a family night of making supper over the 
fire. It was a lot of fun! 

This girl. <3 

Easter Sunday!!

This was SOOOOOo good! 

Did a painting outside one evening with my siblings around and
 listening to music. *sunglasses* 'cause they're cool that way. 

Kate just loved being outside. <3

Got Tuck!

This year was Felicity's golden birthday. So, since they 
couldn't go anywhere, they picked up Red Robin and I had a little surprise waiting for them...

Felicity said it was a lot of fun and I'm so glad it made her happy. *hugs her*

This. was. beautiful. 

After walking around the falls, we went and got coffee. (I got a smoothie) 

Well, I hope you enjoyed. <3 Thanks for reading! God bless you all! 


  1. I always like these posts. It gives me a peek into your life. Miss you!

  2. Loved reading this update! Playing with Fire is hilarious!! Such great paintings! <3

    1. Yay! I'm glad! Isn't it though?! I loved it! Awe, thanks, girl! <3

  3. Fun!! Aw golden birthday’s are so awesome, I always wanted to celebrate mine but I was born on the first of the month, so I had mine when I was one which is sorta disappointing XD

    1. Your paintings took my breath away! You’re way too talented!

    2. Yeah, I have always wanted to celebrate mine too. But that'll be awhile. xP
      Awe, thanks girl! <3 I just followed Bob Ross videos and now I can do it from my own head. xD

  4. Your paintings are beautiful! It looks like you've been spending plenty of time outside too!

  5. Wow!! your paintings are so amazing!!!! I've been painting a lot more too, now that I have finished the school year and it been so fun. and it looks like you got some lovely sunny days too!! i'm so glad its finally spring :D

    1. Awe, thanks! <3 Really? Isn't it so fun? *winks* Yes! Sunny, beautiful days! Me too! ;D

  6. Your an artist. I'm speechless.
    Glad you had a great month!

  7. WOW! Even your paintings are breathtaking!!!!! *pauses and stares at paintings for a while*
    Oooh those coffee's looks SO good. Glad your month went well and love this post! The pictures are beautiful! And that river is amazing!

    1. *laughs* Well thank you, girl! <3
      They are! Me too! Awe, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Aren't they though? *winks*

  8. Thank you again dear for the birthday surprise! It really did make my entire night <3 feel free to do it again sometime *wink*

    1. Awe, you're welcome. I'm just glad I was able to make it a special day. <3 *winks* Ok, then. xP
