Monday, September 27, 2021

17 Random Facts About Me


hello lovelies! 

So, if you all remember, or not, I did a post back in January of 2020 like this and thought it would be fun to do it again. And I'll try and think of things I haven't told you all. *laughs* *winks* 

 1 || I love anything to do with firemen and police officers

These people are true heroes and I can't help but love them and anything to do with them. For example, I wear my thin blue line bracelet 24-7. *sunglasses* 

2 || I'm a very sensitive person

I can cry very easily. *hides face* And it can even come across as though I'm crying over random and dumb things; not watching what I want on movie night, etc. But the thing is I'm crying over a deeper matter and that (whatever it is) just caused me to break down.  

3 || I have short legs

*laughs* Yeah, I have really short legs and a long back. LaKaysha was laughing at me last night because I had to jump over a fence and she just had to lift her leg and hop a little. *laughs* And when we go shopping I can't keep up with the people I'm with because (most of the time) they all have longer legs than me and I'm like "Remember? I have short legs." xD

4 || I tend to build a "tough" wall around myself

It's true. I act as though nothing bothers me, and I "let" it all slip off my shoulders. But in reality I'm hurting but just hiding my pain so that others don't see it. 

5 || I have very small feet 

For real! I wear size six. 

6 || Lottie is literally my best friend

Like, no joke. My dog is my best friend. She's there when I need to whisper random things to, to hug, to give me snuggles whenever I ask, and to just be there. <3 I never imagined how tight of a bound we would have. (example: if I leave her side in the woods she comes running for me. If I act worried, she tries to protect me, and if I act sad she'll come and sit by me, licking my face.)

7 || I'm seventeen!

Lol, just had to throw that one in here. xD But for real, like how? I can't believe that little ol' me is seventeen. Like... 

8 || I love to make people smile 

Causing a smile to light up someone's face, or bring the laugh out of their mouth, makes my heart warm and happy. <3 I want to make sure everyone knows that they are loved and cared about. 

9 || I'm saving up for a car

Yessss! I got part of the money from selling my puppies and now the chances of buying a car have gone up!! 

10 || I love to tell stories

Weather it's a story I made up, an episode or movie I watched, or just some good old fashioned memories of childhood, I could talk for hours. (lol, I guess what I'm saying is... I talk a lot)

11 || I love to cook\bake

Even as a little girl baking was something I loooooved to do. And as I've grown up the more I get to bake, and cook. And I can't wait until I have a home of my own that I get to cook food in. <3 

12 || I have high standards for my future husband 

*laughs* It's funny but kinda true. *monkey face* I just would love it if he was everything I want. xD But you know, I'd take him even if he didn't have everything that I'm about to list off. *laughs again*
I would love it if we wore cowboy boots(that one's kinda a must), no buzzcuts, willing to take me to the mountains for hiking, and shooting, drives a truck, willing to take silly videos with me, likes "Yee Yee" stuff, country, and western. 
Now that's not too much to ask is it? xP

13 || I daydream a lot

Constantly making up stories in my head. Dreaming about the day when I get a boyfriend, etc. 

14 || Horses and anything western is amazing

I absolutely love horses and anything western and rustic! Cowboys, rodeos, horses, cowboy boots, cowboy hats, spurs, saddles... everything

15 || I love hugs

Giving them, or just having someone run up and hug me. I love hugs. They make me happy. 

16 || Coffee is the best

I can't have caffeine so thank goodness someone invented decaf! *laughs* I absolutely love coffee. I could drink so much of it. (and having a coffee shop nearby is honestly the worst. I spend too much money and pretty soon I'll get fat xD) 

17 || My favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 3:5

(designed by yours truly)

Now here are a couple of my birthday pictures. *hides face* I wasn't, honestly, too happy with how I looked in them so please be kind. 

Well, was that fun to read or what? I know I had fun writing it! *winks* So I hope you enjoyed! Have a good day and God bless!! 


  1. oh this is so fun!! Ah and you are so cute! I'm super close to my dog too. A loyal type of friend to have ;)

  2. Love!*heart eyes*
    I agree with to many to try mention!*winks*
    Liberty!!! You're so gorgeous friend!!*hearts*

    1. Yay! *heart eyes*
      Haha *winks*
      Awwww, thank you!!! <3

  3. You’re beautiful girl 💙

    Short legs? ✅ 😂
    Small feet? ✅

    I also do the whole tough wall and I’m sensitive too. 💙

    1. Thank you. <3

      Lol, at least someone is the same as me!!


  4. So fun! And the photos are soo cute!!

  5. #14!!
    Also, dogs make the best of friends, just sayin’!

  6. You’re so pretty!! And I love the little braids in your hair!! This was super fun to read! Have a great week! ❤️

    1. Awwww, thank you!! I'm glad you read and enjoyed! You too!! <3

  7. i love the pics. im sensitive too.

  8. Okay first, GIRL. Those b-day pics were so pretty!!! I don't know why you think they didn't turn out well. You're seriously one of the most beautiful people I know!! Second, THOSE PYSCH GIFS WERE EVERYTHING. XD I know there were just two, but I love every chance I get to see good ole Shawn and Gus. ;P (Fun fact: My fam and I actually started watching Psych after my sisters and I and checked it out because we saw you mention it on your blog.) XD
    Also, I SO get everything you said about being sensitive and building a tough wall. That's literally me right there. Plus, I DAYDREAM ALL THE TIME TOO!!!! In fact, whenever I build up my tough wall that usually means I retreat to my mental shell and "live" in my imaginary world for a little bit until I feel better. XD
    Oh my goodness, girl, like everything else in this post is so me. (Well, almost everything.) XD BUT check to loving to make people smile. Double check to loving to tell stories. Triple check to Horses+Anything Western=Awesomeness. XD Aaaand quadruple check to loving firemen and police officers! (I also have a thing for people in the military.) ;P
    OH and YES to the high standard husband list. XD I definitely agree with NO buzzcuts. (I just don't dig those, lol.) XD I would also love it if my future husband could sing (like, jaw-droppingly amazing) XD, is really good with kids, loves going on adventures (including stuff like hiking and all of that), ;D has a good sense of humor, does not have a beard (I'm good with five o' clock shadows but I can't stand the long bushy ones) and a lot more! :P Buuut, even if he isn't all of that, the only thing that really matters is if he loves Jesus and he loves me. XD
    It was so fun to read about this and to get to know you a little better, girl! I was actually really surprised to see how much we had in common!! ;)

    1. Awwwwwww *melts* You're the sweetest thing!!!
      Lol, I know I just love those gifs! (*gasps* really?!!! That's so cool!!) xD
      Uhg, I can totally be the same way!!
      Ahhhhhhh you're sooooo cool! *laughs* (it's just not everyday I find someone with the same love as me towards firemen and police; I also love the military too *winks*)
      *laughs again* Ah girl, I just love reading your comments!!! (yessss to the singing!! and yes to..... EVERYTHING you mentioned!!) xD
      Awe, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Haha yeah I was surprised too!! ;)
